This Girl

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A/N- Hey guys this is my first story so let me know what you think! Comment and if i messed anything up im sorry :) 

------------------Chapter 1-------------------------

Hailey's POV

Dear Jake, 

This is probably the hardest letter I'll ever write. I'll tell you right now that i'm not angry with you... I don't think I could be even if I wanted to be. And I don't blame you for liking her... Anna... She's sweet, and funny, and nice... and pretty. Not the smartest girl, but hey, who am I to judge? I fell for you... Didn't I? Well anyways. I suppose it's my fault... I'm the one who broke it off. You have every right to go out with other people.  And maybe it's not love, you know? Maybe I just have this idea of love in my mind, how it's supposed to be, and somehow it just seemed to click. But obviously it doesn't, since you don't feel the same anymore. But i'm not here to make you feel guilty, not at all. I'm writing this because i'm telling you that i'll be alright. The feelings I thought I still had... They're probably just from memory... You know, What I thought I was feeling from those nights. The heat of the moment. Like how you tangled your fingers in my hair, and you'd stop kissing me just to look into my eyes, or kiss my neck. But that's just my imagination taking things out of proportion. I get it. You felt nothing, I felt something. And that's okay. I'll swear I'll get over it. Maybe not today.. or not tomorrow.... But soon. Good luck with Anna. You two will be as cute as could be. 



P.S. I'm not angry with you, really.

No, I thought. I'm just in love with you.


I stuffed the letter into his mailbox, and i literally sprinted away. It seemed fair that I was at the farthest distance possible when he read it. When he realized what I was doing. Ending something before it even started. Again.

What i knew for sure was that he had feelings for Anna. Maybe not as potent as the ones he claimed he felt for me, but still. And that's what's important. So I said this story.. that made it clear as to why i ran away that night. Because i "knew" he "didn't" have feelings for me. That he has "feelings" for the stupid whore Anna. God, i Hate her. Hate. with a capital H. HATE. 

I went back home, sprinting the mile and a half back to my house. I took an hour nap, having dropped the letter at 5 in the morning. God knows why. When i woke up, I took the quickest shower known to woman kind, got dressed, grabbed my backpack and a banana, and flopped into my new  Jeep without getting wet from the rain. I slowly backed up out of my driveway, about to go into drive and go to school, before screaming and stomping on my breaks. Jake stood there, holding the letter up. His long-ish hair dripped down onto his strong shoulders, wearing a plain shirt that I knew he probably hadn't taken off since going to bed last night. He wore shorts and sneakers, and it was clear that he had sprinted all the way to my house because his breathing heavily. His mouth was in a firm frown, a face I never understood how he made. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" He yelled so loud that i could hear it through my window. I slowly climbed out of my seat, throwing my hood from my sweatshirt over my head. 

"What do you think it is?" I asked quietly when I stood in front of him. He was shaking slightly from the cold and I rolled my eyes. "Jake go home. You're freezing." I started turning my back to him and starting to walk towards my car. He gruffly grabbed my arm and flipped me back to standing in front of him.

"Is this what you do? Make some kind of fucking excuse? You can't do that to me, Hales. You know how I feel, don't even try to making this shit up about Anna  Rellin. You know I feel nothing for her... Nothing like how I feel about you."  He spat the last word. You. 

"It's not some excuse, Jake. I know you like her. You guys went out on a date friday night didn't you? I hope you had a great time, really." The sarcasm was practically dripping from my mouth. What i really wanted to say was that he was the one who cheated. he's the one who made me break up with him. He's the one who came back, telling me all kinds of sweet things, all complete bull shit. Obviously, since he can manage to hook up with her twice. Once right when we were dating, once when we were going to get back together. Almost.

"I don't give a fuck about Anna. That time when we were dating... That was a mistake. I wasn't thinking... Come on Hales don't tell me you've never messed up, never done something you regret."Yeah there's something I regret.  I regret ever falling for you. I bit my lip to stop me from saying that. " Jake I need to go to school. Just forget everything Jake."

"What do you mean. forget everything?" He asked quietly, looking at me straight in the eyes with his blue ones.

"What I mean is," I said with a small sigh, "forget everything you feel about me". And with that I walked away slowly, back into my car, driving slowly around him and straight to school, biting my lip to stop from crying. 

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