Glasses and Contacts

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This will apply to both genders audiences!

okay, I just don't understand how people without glasses and contacts see the world anymore! I mean... for me , taking off my glasses not only creates a huge headache but a whole world which is just blur. And then there is people who can see the world perfectly with out it because their eye are PERFECT!!!! *Sighs* I also get frustrated when people are like " Haha! I am leigt blind! I need glasses right away now!" EW NO. Okay, having glasses isn't a small thing, people. Oh my goodness! I can't sleep with them on... i can't do anything without my glasses!!! Not that i am saying that it's bringing me back... it's just annoying!

Life is life....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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