he can be a real dick.

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Chapter 3

For last period I had study hall and Theron was in it too. I tried not to sit too close to him so it wouldn’t be too weird, but the library was very small and he happened to be sitting in the middle of the library, so where ever I sat he’d be close by.

 I sat down and dropped my books on the table with a big bang. A few heads look up and I mouthed the words sorry to them.

 I looked over my English homework, I’ve never been good at poetry and quite frankly I was having trouble understanding it at the moment. I looked up at Theron and saw that he was doing the same homework as I was. I got up and walked over to him and sat down across from him.

“Hey, I’m having trouble with the English homework, would you mind helping me out?” I asked with a smile, he looked up at me with his green eyes and didn’t say anything at first, so I went on talking and introduced myself.  

“Sorry, um......I’m Autumn.” I said out stretching my hand to him.

  He doesn’t take my hand, he just looked at it and so I took it back and sat there feeling awkward. I got up to go, but he grabbed my hand.

“Wait um.....I’m Theron ah...” he said all shyly and he looked at my hand and shook it and then let it go. He gestured for me to sit back down and so I did.

“Sorry, I’m not use to people just coming up to me and just speaking out like that.” He said. “I was being a little too pushy wasn’t I?” I said giving him a smile and he smiled back. He had a nice set of white teeth that I liked a lot, especially his k9’s, which were pretty pointy. I caught myself looking for too long so I looked at my homework page instead.

“So you’re having trouble with the English homework?” he said making it less awkward and I was very grateful for that.

“Yeah, ah...I’ve never been good at poetry before, so would you mind helping me understand it?” I asked.

We sat there and worked together on the paper until the bell rang. He walked me to my locker; his was right across the hall from mine. “Hey you want to do that again sometime?” I asked him.

 “Yeah, I’d like that.” He said.

“Good I guess I’ll see tomorrow?” I asked.

“I hope so.” He said

I smiled at him and turned around to face my locker. I was getting my things when a shadow came over my locker door. I looked up to see Connor, who I had forgotten about all day.

“Hey beautiful, how was your day?” he said.

“Good until you came here and ruined it.” I snapped back at him.

“Don’t be so mean to me.”

I slammed my locker door shut and walked out of the school. He ran after me to my car and stood in front of me.

“What do you want Connor?”

“I just want to know who that guy was that you were with.”

“Why? It doesn’t matter because he’s just a friend.”

“His name?”

“Theron, why?”

“Just wondering who you hang with.”

“It’s none of your business Connor of who I hang with.”

“Ah come on autumn I’m just messing around with you.”

“Well stop it, okay?”

He moved out of the way and let me get in the car. He leaned into the open window.

“Look autumn, this guy friend of yours isn’t going to be around long and you can’t tell him about you being a werewolf and all so...?”

“What are you getting at Connor?”

“Maybe you shouldn’t get so close to him.”


“Because you’re putting the pack in danger of getting discovered.”

“What I can’t have a guy friend yet you can go around and get all the girls you want? You know what Connor you can be a real dick sometimes.” And with that I backed out of the parking lot and drove home.

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