10 Not so Happy Things About Me

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10. I do have a tattoo but that is to cover up my scars from the cutting i have done over the years. My arms, thighs, stomach, boobs, hips wrists. Basically all my skin. But don't worry. I don't do it anymore. I'm good now.

9. I have extreme PTSD and it is not something that is just gonna go away.

8. I have anxiety and it bothers me at times and I overthink things and worry about everything I do.

7. I worry about being to much sometimes but deep down I know I am okie and the right people will love me.

6. I speak very very fast and stutter over my words sometimes but I can speak clear when I am calm.

5. My parents ( All of them. "Mom, Dad, Stepmother, Stepfather, Grandfather.") try to control my life for me and live through me but I don't want anyone to control me unless I give them permission to. Unless I trust them.

4. I have a hella alot of siblings but we do not get along.

3. I always try to make my parents proud in some way shape or form but I learned I can't and I am fine with that.

2.  I am not always so happy. I let my fear get the best of me.

1. I still have the nightmares that wake me.

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