"I will finish...what you started"

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One of the defining traits of Kylo Ren is his obsession with living up to the legacy of Darth Vader. The entire galaxy knows the truth of his rise and fall thanks to "Star Wars: Bloodties", in which a senator leaks the information of Leia's parentage to the public. In this controversy, Ben Solo learns the truth as well.

Though this is only how he finds out, we have little information as to WHY he aspires to be like Vader so much. That being said, we see that Ren seeks guidance from the Dark Lord, and sees him as a paragon of the Dark Side (he's not entirely wrong).

People who are unimpressed by Ren characterize him as a Darth Vader fanboy. Though this can be humorous even to defenders of Ren, it does what the obsession thusly implies about Kylo a MASSIVE disservice.

Vader was a terrifying figure in the galaxy, known for steadfast resolve and merciless dedication to the Empire. He led what (when considering the Legends Cannon) is probably the most effective Jedi Purge, and also took lightsaber combat to new heights and wielded the Force in innovative and horrific ways. What does this mean for Kylo? It means he will whole heartedly dedicated his life to following that example. He is a commander of the First Order in a position similar to that of Vader's in the Empire. He showcases impressive control over the Force. He's relentless, and spearheaded another mass extermination of Jedi. And like Vader, his men fear him, and fear failing him.

We don't necessarily know if Kylo's attire is customary of the Knights of Ren or if it's meant to be reminiscent of Vader's garb, however, the resemblance is uncanny. But it has spawned one of the most annoyed arguments Ren- ridiculers bring to bare with regards with his dynamic with Vader:

"Why does he wear a helmet? Its not like he needs it like Vader did! Disney and Kylo in universe just want him to look like Vader!"

Did Revan need a helmet? Does Boba Fett need a helmet?  None of them do. But in all honesty it looks really cool! And there are hundreds of in universe reasons why  he'd wear it. Perhaps it's to conceal his identity. People see his face and see him as Ben Solo, but his visage dehumanizes him. It allows him to be seen as Rey put it: as "...a creature in a mask.". We fear the unknown and a dark and unwelcoming mask such as Ren's is intimidating on its own. That being  said so is the prospect of not knowing who/what is behind it.  Perhaps it serves the main purpose as most helmets do, and it is protective. 

All in all his obsession with Darth Vader shows off his unhinged and relentless personality.

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