Part 2

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Lady Elizabeth was something different, the light to his young master. She seemed so sorrowful on some days, only wishing to take up the duty he already filled. She loved her fallen fiancé so much, willing to take up any duty for him, as proved by the murder she commited tonight.

Humans were such funny things, he even thought she would remain ever bright and innocent at times. Yet he has seen moments before where she has crashed, snapped, like an angel with broken wings, but in the end she had always found a way to fly.

She was not stupid, never stupid, but ignorant to the stench of death and evil permenating this manor, perhaps the one thing that could be true innocent happiness to the Phantomhive. She was beautiful, but an unessary decoration, for he had already turned his back on heavens and angels long ago locked behind a cage.

But now his outlook has changed. Sometimes he forgets how fragile mortals can be, and by her confessions she had made tonight it seemed that in the darkest hour she would be willing to grab that spider thread of escape and give it to her love.

She had smiled after that mans murder, had laughed and danced. She had found out about her fiancé's doings as the Queen's watchdog and still kissed him sweetly to sleep every night. She was willing to drown in his darkness, to follow him to hell if it meant she could gaze upon his smile.

At one time he would have laughed at her foolishness, but now he needed her more than ever. She could be a support, a trust, a protector for when he left. His role as a butler commanded him to alleviate the ongoing worries of his master, but he couldn't slack on his duties. He was to attached to this game, to it's king, to do such a thing.

He had asked her who will protect his master when he was gone, but he had already knew the answer.

He smiled as he heard the combined laughter of this ball's hosts as he walked out the side door.

Now, on to other preparations. He had a lot to do before he turned foot on this mansion, lest he want it to crumble by the other servants.


The butler stalled, walking through the estate and looking into every detail. He didn't know what he would do when he left, his plans rushed by his master's order, but he needed to think.

He could not end this contact, not so soon. He didn't know when his yearning to finish it had faded, but it had.

He contemplated never coming back, but that would be the same as killing the boy. It did not benefit him, either way they would be separated.

He wasn't preserving him for selfless reasons.

Sebastian moved over to the master's bedroom, slipping in and watching the creature shift in his sleep.

What was he hoping to accomplish?

He wanted to see his master to continue to face life, but with that collar wound so tightly he couldn't breathe and vengeance was always at the back of his mind.  How could he change such things, and did he want to?

Revenge was something he didn't want the boy to lose his ambitions for, for what was he without hatred? It was something that tainted his being so beautifully, just imagine how it would steep together with joy. But did he really have to worry about such a thing? His master was a gracefully tumultuous being, bowling through and accumulating power, it was only a matter of time befoe his list of suspects woud make an appearance. Then he can track them and regulate their actions, prolonging their time.

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