Gay In The Girl's Dorm (BoyXBoy): Chapter One: I'm Getting Mauled

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"Hey rain!"

"Rainnn, what's sup boi?"

:RAINEY IM GETTING MAULED" My best friend Callie yelled, i look around, but being 4'6 is does not work out that well. Wait, le me has an idea. "MARCO" Cricket. Cricket.. Okay bad ide-

"POLO" :D yay, never mind. She answered, wher-Ouff. Found her. "CALLIE I MISSED YOU" Blank stare. Okay... Hmm, what do i do, i know. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU POKE ME IN THE BOOB?" Think rain think.

"You were spaceing out,and i think i died inside, it was all watery and bleh" *gags* What. Wait. *face palm* I didn't explain myself yet did i? Well here we go!

Hello, fellow earth dewellers, I am Rain Storm. I am 17. And i am gay, So back off lady's me no likey you're Va-Jay-Jay's. Hehe, Va-Jay-Jay is a funny word... Anyways, anyways, I am one of those typicals "stero-typical gays" I love rainbows, and cupcakes and rainbows and sugar and...Did i mention rainbow's? I did. Well i LOVE them!

I also had this best friend, names Xaiver, but he got WAY to cocky for Me. And plus, i moved to this boarding school. The boarding school is serprated into girls and guys dorms. As you can tell, little of me is in the girls. My Sneaky little mommy got me in the girls, cause  err *insert cough* it'd be a little bit akward me liveing in the guys dorm room.

The dean of the whole school didn't notcie for about 3 years, but a week ago he did. :( Now, i have to go to the male's dorm till my mom sorts this all out.



I'm going to be late for class, Bye now :D

Sorry it's not alolt, i just wanted to interduce rain :D


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