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We don't remember days, we remember moments. We remember certain moments that will forever reshape our perspective on something or someone. It's in those moments that every second counts and we have a choice; take action and capture what is rightfully ours, or sit back and watch the best thing in the world slip through our grip. It's your choice... choose wisely.


The absolute first time I saw her, I was a junior in high school.

The high school and middle school were connected on the same property; the high school would get out at four o'clock while the Middle School was at three forty so, by the time we got out the younger kids were too. It wasn't the slightest bit awkward to see the younger kids; everyone in town had grown up together and it was natural seeing each other, sharing the same court yard and going to practices on the same fields.

I wasn't one of those egotistical, self-centered jerks but I also wasn't a nobody. I was just there. My blonde hair and blue eyes made me decent but I had only dated two girls in my life. I was currently in a committed relationship with my beautiful girlfriend, Sara. Sara was on the honor society and debate team; in away she was the well rounded, perfect girlfriend. Smart, caring, pretty. We were committed as could be. Or so I thought...

I was walking to my locker over by the Fine Arts hallway before football practice. I was on the Varsity Team, which was on our way to the state championship, and I was in all advanced classes. I had a paper on The Catcher in The Rye due in two days and I had yet to write even my own name and to top it off. I had left the book in my locker. I spun the dial, pulled the latch, snatched the book out of my locker and slammed it closed. I turned around, ready to sprint off to the football field in fear that I would be late when I saw my mystery girl.

She sat in the courtyard, her back pressed up against a big oak tree that hung over her body. She had on ripped skinny jeans, a white tank top with a grey Abercrombie jacket that appeared to be a size or two too big and black converses. Her silky brown hair was in a side ponytail and she had a solemn expression on as her hand moved over a notebook. Her knee was bent and her head was bent down in concentration. She was beautiful to put it simple. I could have taken a picture at that exact moment and everything would have been perfect.

As if she felt my eyes on her she looked up from her work and gazed around, revealing white ear buds hanging out of her ears. She noticed me after a second and for what felt like ages of just staring at each other. I ordered myself to wave to her and she gave a slight smile and waved back; t wasn't even really a wave, she just raised her hand to acknowledge my existence. She had the biggest puppy dog eyes you could ever imagine; they were like black holes. Once you enter you never come out.

Talk to her! My mind shouted to me.

No! She will think I'm a creeper! I protested back.

She is just sitting there waiting for you to approach her! Go for it! My mind shouted back.

She stared at me for another second and I knew I had to take action; my heart and head were telling me to go for it and talk to her but something just wouldn't let me. I never got to make my decision because just as I was going to either take a step forward or backwards, I was interrupted.

"Blake!" Some girls called behind me.

I spun around to see a couple of cheerleaders from my grade waving at me while giggling. I flashed them my winning smile and gave them a small wave.They were too loud and you would never get privacy in this town while dating a cheerleader. Also, I have yet to find one cheerleader that only had intentions of starting off as just being friends with football players.

20 Seconds Of Pure Embarrassing CourageWhere stories live. Discover now