Franticshipping (RubyxSapphire)

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Deck the halls with boughs of holly.

Fa la la la la, la la la la

Tis the season to be jolly.

Fa la la la la, la la la la


"Aaand I'm done!" Rubby said satisfied with the new outfit he had made for Sapphire, 'I'm sure she wont have any complaints this time', he thought for himself while grinning. "Let's go visit her Popo!" (A/N: I'm almost sure that this is Ruby's Castform's name in the japanese versions) th pokemon folowed him out of his home and changed to her snowy form, both of them hurried into Sapphire's home.

Ruby knocked the door and with his good-boy voice he greeted Professor Birch "Merry Christmas Professor Birch! I made these chocolates for you I hope you like them." "Thank you Ruby." The man replied. "They have pecha berry jelly inside, I'm sure you'll love them. By the way, where is the savag-- I mean Sapphire?"

He asked calmly trying to cover his 'mistake'. Meanwhile The professor had already eaten half the box of chocolates "Mmm.... this is so good... Ah! Sapphire? She's in the kitchen but I think she could use your help." "Oh okay..." Ruby said a bit puzzled, but he understood it all when he entered the kitchen, and the scene in that room made him laugh out loud; Sapphire was cursing some burned cookies and stepping on them. When she noticed that Ruby was laughin she stood in front of the cookies and shouted "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!?!" Ruby replied while he wiped a tear that formed in his eye "Sorry Sapphire, i-it's just too funny, you- you were trying to cook, right?" and he began laughing again, Sapphire felt hurt, she was trying to make cookies for him, and DAMN IT! She even put on a dress for him, with rising anger she yelled "WELL I'M NOT A SISSY LIKE YOU! SO WHAT IF I'M NOT GOOD AT BAKING?!?!" The boy was surprised he didn't expect tht reaction "Hey Sapph, why--" The girl cut him off by screaming "OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

Ruby didn't understand the reason but then it hit him when he saw a card in which was written 'Ruby' in a sloppy handwritting, the card was on top of a cookie jar. He looked at her who was impatiently looking at him, and then he noticed that she was weraring a black dress, and blue tights. Ruby felt so guilty, he was sure she was wearing that for him, and he didn't even notice because he was too busy laughing. The red eyed trainer said "Your cookies got burned, because the temperature of your oven was too high." Sapphire got closer to see what Ruby was doing "Sapph... is this the recipe you were using?" The boy asked calmly, while pointing to an open book in the corner of the table, she just nodded. "Good. come here I'll teach you how to bake cookies, if you are going to give them to me, I want them to be well made" the girl felt her face heating up and said "W-w-who said it was for you?" The boy laughed a little and pointed to the jar, Sapphire jumped to cover it, but Ruby said without looking at her "you know? I'm sorry for laughing, it's just that I never imagined, that the 'savage girl' would bake something in her whole lifetime" Ruby pause for a while before adding "This is the best Christmas present, of course, together with that dress." "Sh-shut up!" the girl's face was burning red. "Ruby looked at her and smiled sweetly, "Hey, come on help me with the cookies, I'm not going to make my own Christmas present myself" The girl surprised said "Oh! Okay..." "by the way my gift is in the table, you can open it, I'm sure you wont have any conplaints now." Sapphire took the blue package that was over the table and took deep breath before ripping it open. "wow" was all she could mutter, it was beautiful, it was the perfect mix between practical and beatiful. A simple khaki short, an intense blue bluse, with a flower pattern, and brown climbing shoes. There was also an equally brown hat, it was a precious outfit, Ruby had outdone himself. He nervously added "The fabric I used is 100% organic, so it doesn't have those chemicals you hate" The brunette's smile widened and she launched herself over Ruby. "thanks, you are the best" she said shyly after she realized what she had done and a the red color was creeping on her face, Ruby was also blushin when he said "Merry Christmas Sapph" he got closer and closer to her face and finally pecked her ... nose. "Wha-what the hell Ruby?!?!' The girl was so confused, embarrased and mad at the same time, she thought he was going to kiss her on the lips. And the boy didn't know what got him, he suddenly felt an urge to kiss her, but he was able resist it in the end. When he noticed Sapphire was shouting all kinds of insults, he just got up and said "Let's finish these cookies, we have the Christmas Party in the Sempai's house" He was grinning and the girl just said while looking away "Ruby... you are an idiot"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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