The End of a Reign

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Erik's POV

I had sealed my fate long ago, when I first loved her. I realized that now, as I stood on a catwalk above the stage. I had been on a set course for this night the second I laid eyes on her. There was no going back, there was no fixing this. It was going to be an awful mess by the end.

Christine had told the managers that she was certain I would try and take her during the performance, but was adamant that I would whisk her away backstage. My managers placed police in the wings in an attempt to make sure that I didn't take Christine. I looked skyward, towards the vaulted ceiling. 

I had never been religious, I suppose you could say God forgot about me, that was until I met an angel. I hadn't prayed in over ten years, but tonight. I prayed that God would somehow make her mine, That somehow we could get through this and be together. 

I whispered my pray fast and quietly, trying more to convince myself that Christine would be mine in the end. That all would turn out alright. I opened my eyes to see the grand curtain sweeping open. A stone of despair lodging itself in my heart.



Antoinette's POV

I paced frantically across my small room, my hands wringing together. I nervously organized my already clean desk. It wasn't the fact that tonight was a show, it was the fact that it was his show. I was so lost in my own world I didn't hear the light footsteps behind me until I felt a cold had on my shoulder. I jumped and let out a yelp of fright.

"Mother?" I turned to my daughter, her beautiful eyes wide with fear. "Are you alright?" I reached for her and pulled her into my arms.

"Meg, thank God. I must tell you something. Tonight," I shut the door to my room and clasped my daughter by her forearms, "a close friend will be in grave danger."

" But Mama, the police are here. Christine wi-" I cut off my daughter and looked deep in her eyes.

"Not Christine....its-...its...him." My daughter stared at me blankly before a whirl of emotions overtook her face. Anger. Betrayal. Confusion.

"Mama, what are you saying?" Her eyes glistening darkly to me, I saw something on her lovely face I never thought I'd see. Disgust. Meg curled her lip into a nasty sneer and wrinkled her nose, when I didn't say anything, her look got darker.

"You are working with him. Mother, he kills!" Her voice screeching, I cut her off harshly.

"I KNOW-I...I kno-" There was a knock at the door. It was soft, but to my ears it sounded like a thousand hammers pounding. Meg looked at me, her face still etched with anger. I slowly turned towards the door, opening it slowly, I saw a scrawl of handwriting that was all too familiar, written on a scrap of paper. I stooped over and picked up the tiny piece of paper. I must of blanched because Meg suddenly asked worriedly, her anger melting.

Mother?" I didn't know what to do, so I read it aloud,

'Thank you for everything. My final instructions to you, Madame Giry. Prepare yourself,  a storm is upon us."


Erik's POV

It began, the way any opera might begin. The rhythm of the music in sync with the heartbeat of the audience. Captivating them, the music, no matter how harsh and violent it was to my ears, was a new mystery to the audience's. They were enthralled and repulsed by the music at the same time. 

I slowly descended to the backstage area. I waited in a shadowy area, the space right were Piangi walks off in scene three. I didn't dare to breath, I waited like a spider in a web. Waiting for that one, juicy fly to fall into my trap. It was only a matter of time before he did.

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