At the Tone

15 5 0


At the tone,

Hi [self and others beside]

Don't really know what to say
But I missed you today
I realized life isn't the same
Even for a day without you in it

Everyone is tired
Everyone is spent
But we gotta keep on going
Because it's what we gotta do

Wishing you could wish it away
Lingering on past mistakes
These will lift things maybe for
A moment
But they will settle
And a thousand more seeds
Have just been planted
(So don't do this)

And when you feel
Like you can't
Like you can't go on
That it's too hard
That it's not worth it
You're given this life to live it
Through the good the sticky
The piercing the sweet
The sickening the breathtaking
The love beyond belief--

Don't give up
Focus on what you really
Need to do
And hold on to the right One too
Because He didn't--
And will never--
Give up on you.

Please leave a message.

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