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Admin: So y'all know how I kinda dislike OC's? Well here is mine;

Country/City/State Information-
Name: New York City
Age: 391
Capital City (if country):
Biggest City:
Boss (Mayor/President): Bill de Blasio
Flag (Coat of Arms):

Country/City/State Information-Name: New York CityAge: 391Capital City (if country):Biggest City:Boss (Mayor/President):  Bill de Blasio Flag (Coat of Arms):

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Biggest Ethnic Group: White
Language(s) spoken: English, Spanish, and Chinese.
Population: 8,550,450
Religion: (none specified)
Government: Mayor
Climate: Unlike the vast majority of the state, New York City features a humid subtropical climate (Koppen Cfa). New York City is an urban heat island, with temperatures 5-7 degrees Fahrenheit (3-4 degrees Celsius) warmer overnight than surrounding areas.
Economy: Revenues=$63,529.354 million
Expenses=$54,607 million

Human Information-
Name: Charlotte Smith
Nickname(s): 'Lit'
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Birthday: September 24th
Current Residence: Her flat in Manhattan
Language(s) spoken: Spanish, Portuguese, German, Chinese, Japanese. Bad Habit(s): Spacing out, over sleeping, being late.
Like(s): The arts, her job, falafels, family, reading play scripts.
Dislike(s): Salted caramel, potholes, people who get in her way, people who mess stuff up.
Hobbies: Reading play scripts, sketching, photography.
Fear(s): Burning, bombs.
Equipment/Weapons: She always carries a pocketknife with her, but due to laws and awkwardness she preferred to learn self defense over carrying a gun with her.
Culture Favorites: The fact that it's is a mix of lots of cultures.
Personality: Busy, quick paced, and kind. Charlotte, usually caught up in a busy schedule, adapts with the person she spends time with, and when she has the rare art of free time, she spends it trying to get ahead of schedule in order to spend time with family. She never gets to, but she tries hard.

Height: 5"8
Weight: 127 pounds
Hair: Wavy blonde-brown(not exactly dirty blonde)hair that is a little longer than her shoulders. [Think Belgium]
Eyes: Green eyes.
Skin: Fair skin, has freckles.
Accent: American...
Anything on your body that represents your country?: (None)
Outfit(s): (1)Dark skinny jeans, black combat boots, a white V-neck Short sleeve shirt, and a dark gray-black blazer. (2) A black knee-length high-waisted skirt, white button down, same blazer as before. (3) A White tank top, black high-waisted pants, and suspenders(in photo)
Scar(s): On each arm she has a long faded scar representing the twin towers, faded due to everyone have rebuilt and 'moved on'.
Accessories: Her blazer, and a gray 'n' hair clip(gift from New York)

Accessories: Her blazer, and a gray 'n' hair clip(gift from New York)

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Ancestor: (errrr....)
Family: New York, America, Netherlands
Friends: Pretty much the American states
Rivals: The other American cities and States
Enemies: No true enemies.
Pet(s): Four dogs, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten.
Potential Love Interest: No one really
Foreign Relationships: Considering this is NYC.......I'd rather we just say she is acquaintances with a lot of other nations.

Hate her, I don't care.

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