The expedition

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Erwin had called all cadets to a meeting about the upcoming expedition. Everyone had gathered in the tight courtyard and awaited orders. "CADETS" he bellowed. "This marks the 88 expedition" he exclaimed."Everyone follow your orders and we will succeed. I assume everyone knows what they are doing and that there life is on the line. We must fight bravely and MOVE FORWARD!!"he yells.

Time skip to the battle and shit (brought to you by satans butt cheeks)

A huge hunk of rock thumped into the ground, metres from where you stood, sending up an eruption of dirt and dust in all directions. The building to your right suddenly exploded- you only just managed to zip out the way with your 3DMG, and landed on a nearby roof. A huge titan, almost a 15-metre class, had stumbled into it. It grabbed you and lifted you into its massive jaws you cried for help but it's grip only got tighter you knew that it was the end. A tear rolled down your cheek. Looks like Ill never be able to tell Levi I love him. You see your dead comrades around you. You want to die. Suddenly in a flash the nape of its neck slashed into oblivion. A flash of green and black darted past, fast as lightening, swords whirring.

Your heart skipped to your throat. Only one person in the Recon Corps moved that fast. Lance Corporal Levi. Your face grew hot and your pulse beat erratically; even in the midst of one of the greatest fights of your life, he affected you. Frozen in awe, you watched as Levi arced round in a tight somersault, to land on the roof, feet away from your immobile form. You unfroze, as chilling sight caught your eye. Titans- six- rampaged down the street toward you, faces stretched into macabre grins.

"Hey brat," Levi snapped at you, giving you an excuse to stare into his molten steel eyes. He was sexier than usual when he was angry. "Tch, get out of here before you get hurt!" He turned, attention on the lumbering titans ahead.

Levi's p.o.v

    I was looking for her I couldn't find her when suddenly a 15 m class smashes into a building next to me then I see her eyes narrowed in concentration as she flies gracefully and lands on a building next to it. How I wanted to sweep her of her feet and make her mine. I want to tell her I love her, I want to keep her safe. My thoughts were interrupted when the titan grabs her. My eyes widen shock and my instincts kick in. I zoom over the rubble and slash the Titans nape. (Y/N) looks at me with teary eyes filled with fear. But before I take my leave she says quietly" I can't do this anymore" And blacks out.

A/N: wut did I just write.

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