No Offense Inteded : Cassandra x Lavellan One Shot

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"I really hate shoes..."  Pelle thought as he shuffled his feet clothed in a pair of hide boots awkwardly though the snow.  

The fabric wrapped around his pale feet felt disgusting against his skin. The hide was damp from the frozen slush of water beneath his feet and the sensation was beginning to share its chilly feelings with his toes. His feet would have been in better condition if he was had just gone barefoot! But no, Cassandra had insisted he wear shoes or he may catch a cold.

Pelle did not really understand what this soggy fabric was really guarding him from but he would prefer to stay off Cassandra's bad side. After the seeker had practically held Pelle up by his ankles and forced the shoes on his feet he was a reluctant to cross her demands again. 

However, this impulse to obey her was growing weaker with every step he took. The squirting of freezing water between his toes that made him cringe every time his foot pressed into the ground was overpowering his desire to remain on her good side. Who was he kidding? She was probably already annoyed with him...she always seemed like she was angry at him lately. Varric had told him that that was just her face but Pelle could not help but feel she did not like him very much. Such a shame really. Pelle quite enjoyed her company. He loved to watch her decapitate the dummies in the training grounds, loved hearing the stories she told about Nevarra or about the Divine even if they were often brief and sparse in detail.  The lack of detail intrigued him, made him want to know more. That kept him coming back to speak to her again and again. Still she would only disclose small details at a time. Pelle wondered when would he finally learn the end of the stories she only told small snippets of.

However the last time they spoke, Cassandra only walked away in a huff. It was after he had complimented her. How was he supposed to know she did not like flattery? Sure she did not seem one to seek attention but Pelle had never met anyone who was annoyed by kind words. At the time he had only laughed at her but now he wasn't so sure. Cassandra had been crueler to the dummies than usual and whenever he so much as walked past her or even breathed in the seeker's general direction she gave a disgruntled groan.

It'd been three days since he'd told her how admirable she was. By now he decided it was time to reach out to what he believed was a reliable source of information when it came to Cassandra. After all, Pelle did not see anyone else in the Frostbacks who seemed to know her any better than the dwarf forever squatting by a small fire just a small distance away from the chantry.

"Varric?" Pelle called the dwarf from above the stone wall behind him. His voice was soft as he did not really possess the loud and commanding voice that many would expect from the Herald of Andraste.

Varric turned when he heard his name being called by the familiar and gentle voice of the elf he'd met just a couple months ago. "What's up ki-" He paused as his right eyebrow raised in confusion. "What are you doing kid?" He inquired.

His confusion had been caused by the sight of Pelle laying in a position that looked by all means awkward from below. He was laying at angle, not quite on his back or side. His left leg was shot into the air as Pelle was frantically fiddling with the boots on his feet.

"Trying to....release...myself...from these cursed...things!" Pelle spoke between struggled grunts. 

Varric began to smirk as he held back a chuckle. Watching Pelle struggle was quite entertaining from his point of view. Not only was it odd to see Pelle wearing shoes to begin with but it was even funnier seeing the way he interacted with them. He was like a cat who'd been placed into a pond and told that the water was going to do great things for his fur.

No Offense Intended : Lavellan x Cassandra One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now