A year ago

19 1 0

Outside I'm the same girl I was a year ago 

The one who always had a smile on her face

The one who stood tall when life tried to knock her down

The one who refused to drowned even with an anchor tied to her ankle

The one who always had a positive outlook

The one who was always 100% focused on her future

But, inside that girl is gone

Her smile became a mask

Life brought her to her knees, begging  for mercy

  The anchor finally pulled her down and she drowned 

Her positive outlook became negative as she lost hope

She lost motivation as anxiety consumed her

Yet, when I talk to people 

They tell me that I'm inspirational 

That I'm brave

That I'm going places

They see the girl I used to be and sometimes if I look hard enough so do I

So, maybe she's not gone after all

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