Oh my

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I was walking to last period which was ELA and Niall caught me "So megan do u think mr.Donald will be nice to is today or be a total ass?" I laughed and said "I don't know!" We walked in and Mr.Donald said that we had an assignment to write a report and decorate it and we had to do it with a person and I got Niall, Niall smiled and I laughed. The bell rang and school was out. I went to my locker and Niall came "So sense we were gonna hang out do u wanna do the project?" "sure" I said. "Ok ill drop u off at ur house." "Ok thanks!" I said and he grabbed my hand and went to his car.

We got to my house and we went to my room "Nice place you got here." he said "Thanks my mom isn't home." I said "Nice" he said. "So I'm gonna change brb." I said and went into the closet. I put on a crop top with no tank top Niall already saw me half naked anyways. "Ok I'm done." "WOOO showing the skin." he said "Yeah u seen me half naked anyways!" he laughed and we started. "So what do you want to do first?" I said "Well I have something not school related" he said coming next to me "What?" I said "This" and he kissed me we had a full make out session for about 10 minutes. I pulled away "what was that?" I asked "Our calling" he said and winked I laughed. I didn't know if we were a couple or close friends but at least I can talk to him. "So what do you wanna do the report on." "How about our eyes ur hair ur lips ur body, You!" He said "Haha Niall I don't think we can do that." I said "What about one direction." I said "Ya I might know a little about them." he said and I laughed and that's when we started our project.

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