Chapter One

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Another chapter to expain the earlier pain. Read away.


Eyes shining with excitement, I twirled around my room with my most favourite sun dress held in front of my body. Looking into my mirror, I felt like a changed woman. The woman in the mirror was beautiful. Her eyes seemed so much livelier and bright with hope. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her smile was that of utter happiness. Today, the woman in the mirror seemed more matured than her eighteen years of age. 

I clutched the dress closely to my body. My heart was practically bursting with excitement and happiness. The day the sole reason I am born into this world is here. By nightfall, I would find out who my mate is. The One who would love me with all his heart, who would cherish me and always be there for me whenever I need him. 

I grew up watching how loving my parents were for each other. Even after they had been married for twenty five years, they still act like high school crush around each other. They would always be stealing little kisses from each other whenever they thought that their kids are not watching. Of course with two older kids who are very astute, it was near impossible. I remembered seeing Dagger, my oldest brother, and Roan, my second eldest brother, making gagging motions at least once a day when we were kids.

I crave this love too. I want a man to treat me the way dad treat mum. Ever since I am old enough to know what love is, it has been my wish that one day, I would find the same happiness too. Every night before I go to bed, I would pray to the moon goddess that I would be blessed with a somebody just like mum was. 

"Rina! Are you done?" Mum yelled for me from the bottom of the stairs.

"Almost!" I yelled back.

Hurriedly, I took off my clothes and put on the sun dress. Tonight is my big night. I want to be at my best when I come face to face with The One for me. I want him to be impressed with me. I know that I am not the most beautiful woman but, I managed to inherit some good features from my parents. Thanks to my mum, I had her large, liquid brown eyes and a small perky nose. Thanks to my dad, I had his height and smile. I am about one point six five tall and everyone always claimed that I have the nicest smile.

Hurrying to my vanity, I put on a dab of strawberry scented gloss on my lips. And thanks to my mum for giving me a slightly tan skin and the fact that I am an early bloomer, my face is completely free of horrible pimples. I don't need to apply any foundation or bronzer onto my face. Taking one last look into the mirror to make sure that nothing is out of order, I hurried downstairs.

Almost all of my family members have already gathered in the living room. Fallon, my dad, was not around. Melissa, my mum, was fussing over my youngest sister, Mini who was four. Hazel, my second sister, twelve, is touching up her makeup with her compact mirror. Dagger, my oldest brother of twenty three, was chatting with his mate, my sister-in-law, Raine. Roan, my second eldest brother of twenty two, was talking sweet nothings to his mate, Jenna. They are engaged to each other and would be holding their wedding the day before Christmas. 

Roan was the first one to look up and saw me.

"My Goddess! Is this really my baby sister, Rina?" Roan said as he looked at me up and down. He got up and walked one round around me, fingers stroking his jaw thoughtfully like those Chinese scholars in the olden days as they contemplate something complicated. Roan is a Chinese comics craze. He loves reading those comics with martial arts involve. He thinks that watching character throwing chi balls of energy at each other is cool.

I grinned and twirled one round. Dagger let out a wolf whistle. Mini, my youngest sister giggled. Hazel gave me a thumbs up. Mum smiled proudly at me.

"My daughter is all grown up now." Mum said as she look at me, love shining in her eyes.

"I am a big girl too!" Mini, five, chimed in.

Mum laughed and kissed her on the forehead. Walking towards me, mum appraised me in an arm’s length.

"You look gorgeous." She murmured. "My beautiful daughter." 

"Thank you, mum." I said.

"Time to go, hon." Dad suddenly appeared and said from the door way.

Smiling and laughing happily, we all piled up in dad's van. Dad usually drives all of us to the gathering though Dagger and Roan owned their own car. Dad said that this way, our family bonds would be closer. Other than dad, mum and Mini, the rest of us had to squeeze together at the cargo area of the van. But we did not mind. As tradition, we played many rounds of Uno throughout the drive. And as usual, our family worse player, Roan, had to be slapped on the back by all of us for losing every round. Jenna laughed and patted his back. 

"One day, hon. I teach you to be better in Uno." She laughed while Roan casted her an injured look. We all laughed. 


The clearing was bursting with people. Werewolves from all over the state had gathered here for tonight's gathering. Tonight is the night of the full, blue moon which occurs only once a year. This moon is the fullest and werewolves are at their strongest at this night. Tradition stated that all werewolves of the same pack are to gather to bond together, strengthening the pack bond. 

With the blue moon hanging in the night sky, I could feeling the strength coursing through my body. My skin was tinkling and I could feel something stretching under my skin. I knew that my wolf wants to be out. Everyone with werewolf blood is able to shift into their wolf forms once they reach the age of sixteen. For two years, I had been able to run as a wolf anytime I want. The knowledge of werewolves only being able to shift into wolf only during full moon is false.

Just then, our pack leader, Domino appeared, on top of a large flat rock. A hush fall across the clearing. Everyone looked up at him expectantly.

"Let the gathering begin." His deep, booming voice echoed across the clearing.


Can I be a little mean and say that I won't upload more until I have twenty votes? Haha. I'll be kinder. If you want to be able to read chapter two earlier, give me twenty votes. If not, I'll only uplaod a week later! I am so mean! Haha. I would love for my book to be in the What's Hot list so....Vote away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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