If you dont wipe that smile of your face, I'll punch it off

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated sooner but I have been realy busy lately. SORRY.

Percy POV:

Thalia glared at me so hard i had to shrink back a bit. She realy does have the scariest glares.

"I asked you a question, Jackson. What are you doing here?" she asked again.

"I came to give you your bow back." I said holding out her silver bow.

Her glare softened for a moment but changed back so quickly I wasn't even sure it happened.

She snatched the bow out of my hands. "How did you find me?" she asked.

"I shadow traveled. Thalia, how do you think i found you?" I asked gesturing to Ms O Leary.

She rolled her eyes and sat down on the picnic bench. She muttered somthing inaudible.

"What was that?" I asked her.

"Thanks" She grumbled.

"Your welcome."I said. I gave her my best anoying smile.

"If you dont wipe that smile of your face, I'll punch it off" She said holding up her fist for effect.

I just widened my smile to annoy her. She punched my arm but she had a smile on her face. When she realised I was looking she dropped it. 

"It's late," she said, "If your going to be staying we might as well get some sleep."

She was right. I guessed it must be about one or two in the morning. She lay down on her sleeping bag next to the picnic bench. I crawled under the bench like a little kid. I lay on the moist grass uasing my small pack a a pillow. I shivered. It was cold at night. I probably should have come more prepared but I left in such a hurry i hadnt really thought about it. I hadn't noticed how tired i was. I closed my eyes and found myself drifting to sleep.

Sorry for that realy short and realy crappy chapter. I just had to get an update in. sorry. :)

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