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Monster's P.O.V.:

I'm getting closer and closer each and everyday. I know she'll be with me again. Soon...

Nacinia's P.O.V:

It was probably past one in the morning when Callie stumbled through the door, mumbling and slurring her words. I chuckled and helped her to bed, she wouldn't of made it without me. She was plastered.

Since I was awakened by her drunkeness, I couldn't fall back asleep. I went into the living room and turned the t.v., nothing was really on, so I decided to just turn it off. I leaned my back against the couch and put my head in my hands.

I hated being alone, not being busy. It spread panic through me. These were the times I was able to be alone with my thoughts, and that was terrifying. If I'm able to think about it, it becomes real. And I can't handle that. Theres things I haven't even told Calllie, deep dark scary secrets. Secrets that I'm ashamed to admit.

I also don't want to think about my family. I've become used to the feeling of being numb, I'm scared to feel anything. I'm scared of having to deal with it. I'm scared of what I might do because of it.

I've never given myself the chance to actually cope with all thats happened. I've had to just keep going, keep moving, keep survivng. It's the only way I know how to keep from going insane.

I've never really even told anyone what's happened to me. Theres been no one I could trust. Even Callie doesn't know

I can still remember when I met Callie. I had been driving away from all the disaster in that dusty pickup truck, my escape from Him. It had been almost an hour of non-stop driving, non-stop of looking in the rearview mirror expecting the worst, non-stop paranoia.

My nerves were just starting to settle and exhaustion was kicking in when I saw a neon sign for a diner 30 miles up ahead. I knew I couldn't keep on like this, I knew I had to stop eventually. So I keep driving, I had to make it to that diner. When I pulled up, the neon flashing lights became a beacon of safety and shelter.

Dan's Diner, how cliche I thought. Nonetheless, I parked and willed my sore and tired body up to the entrance. Barely anyone was there, except for a waitress and cook behind the counter. I opened the door, a chirpy bell signalling my arrival, causing both to look up in surprise at me. I must've looked pretty bad considering they both rushed from behind the counter to help me to a booth where I sagged tiredly.

They both looked at me in bewilderment, questions floating in their eyes. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, nothing but a strangled cry came out. I threw my hands down on the table and cried. My tired body shook with sobs, so much so I struggled to breathe. I couldnt contemplate what had just happened hours ago. I cried for my parents and my brother and everyone. I cried for everyone that had died. I was pulled into someones warm body, their arms encircling me in a comforting hug while I cried and cried til' I couldn't breathe.

I looked and saw the nametag read 'Callie' and I lifted my head and saw the waitress with such concern and such emotion I cried even more.

Afterwards, I must've fallen asleep because I woke up in someone's bed, it was Callies. The girl I barely knew took me in.

After that I told her where I came from and what had happened. She urged me to go to the police but I knew there was no point. She still stuck by my side though, through everything. We became like sisters. We stayed together and moved on through life.

That is until I started to get these srange letters and notes. I figured they had been from some secret admirer, but that wasn't the case. The letters started to take a disturbingly obsssessive toll and then I realized they were from Him. We then decided to move everywhere, not staying in one place too often. I still can't believe Callie decided to stick with me through all of that. I owe her everything.

And then we moved to New York and eventually stayed. We've been here almost four months. And it's been really nice. I feel like I've finally escaped him, but I can never be too careful.

A knock at the door jolted me back to the present. I looked around and saw the sun was already out. The door knocked again.

"Coming!" I yelled at whoever was at the door. I opened the door without thinking, and saw Gage standing there in all his 6'4" and handsome glory. My stomach instantly dropped out from under me.

"Hey Nacinia." Gage chirped with a huge smile, showing all his pearly porcelains. I smiled instinctively.

"Hi Gage." I almost stuttered, he is so gorgeous.

"I was uh, just wondering if you uh wanted to go to lunch with me today? Maybe I-I mean it's okay if you don't want to, I totally understand." He stuttered asking.

I bit my lip and looked at him, my cheeks burning. Should I do it? Should I go for it? It excited me that someone, even if we haven't known each other long, could find interest in me. However, that's the drawback, I have no idea who this guy is, he could be an axe murderer. A shiver ran down my spine and I looked up at him.

I couldn't let my horrible past affect my future. I had to take chances, I had to get back to living. I have been scared for too long now. I can't let him win. I have to do this for myself, for my sanity.

"I'd like that a lot."

A/N: I haven't posted in the longest time, probably like 10 years now. And this was nicely requested of me, so yeah. This isn't the greatest but I tried. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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