Mr.Tour Guide

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Rebecca's P.O.V

Harry has just returned the skates and is now leading me towards looks like a bus stop.

"What we doing here?" I asked looking up at him.

"I am going to take you on a tour of New York" He said looking at me smiling. His smile is so cute. Moments later the bus stopped in front of us. After arguing with harry on trying to pay for my ticket, Harry took my hand and pulled me up the stairs to the top of the bus.

"Are you ready for your tour baby?" I smiled and harry pulled me down to sit beside him. He started pointing to everything and trying to tell me what he knew about it. Which just lead to him either saying the actual name of the place or him just making it up? I don't even know. I started laughing at him and he stopped and turned to face me.

"What you laughing at?" he asked smiling at me.

"Nothing" I said making a serious face. He looked at me and shook his head. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my seat.

"Ok we can do this the easy way or the hard way you choose?" I just shook my head and didn't reply. He gave of a smirk then started ticking me. He knows I'm VERY ticklish.

"Harry ple..asse sttopp!" I shouted at him, now we were both laughing. He did stop in the end but I didn't give in. He grabbed my legs and through me over his shoulder.

"Harry put m down!" I said beginning to laugh. He was about to go off when he noticed the bus driver looking at us weridly.

"She is asleep" harry said being dead serious while talking to the bus driver. All this time i was trying not to make a sound. It was really hard you know. Once the bus pulled away harry put me down. I just glared at him while he was in stitches. It took all i have not to join him. I smacked his arm and he looked at me, still laughing a little may i add.

"Oh come on babe, don't be mad" he grabbed a hold of both my hands and pulled me closer to him. He began to lean in, i didn't want to but i found myself leaning in anyway. Our lips moved in sync as we stood there.

"I love you Rebecca" harry said once he pulled away. I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms round his neck.

"I love you too Haz" he gave me one more peck on the lips and then we started walking back to the hotel.


As we were like a block away, these two girls about 10 years old approached us. Their smile grew on the faces once they saw Harry.

"Hi Harry could we please get a photo? if you don't mind" one of the girls shyly asked.

"Sure love" he smiled and turned to me. I took the camera from the girls as i said i would take the photo.

"3..2..1.. Smile" i checked the camera to see if the photo was alright and then handed it back to the girls. The other girl who hadn't really said much approached me and tugged on my hand. I bent down a little so i could see her better.

"Could we get a photo with you too, please?" i nodded slightly, i looked to harry and he had a smile in his face.

"" he took the photo then handed the camera back to the girl.

"One last question..Harry is this your girlfriend?" the girl had turned all shy again. Harry bent down to speak to the girl.

"Yeah she is my girlfriend love, her name is Rebecca" he smiled back up at me and i returned the favour.

"She is beautiful" the girl whispered to Harry but i could still hear. I smiled slightly and Harry looked at me quickly then back to the girl.

"She is, isn't she"


Author's note😘💕


I'm soooooo sorry it's been forever. I hope you don't hate me for making you wait.😔

I just wanted to say that, i've seen i have over 200 reads on this fanfic🙊that's incredible. Not many of you interact though. that's why i haven't updated in awhile. butt...

I just wanted to thank hristiyana for being here😘💕She has stuck with me and waited. Love youu girly😘😘💕xxxx

Don't be shy about commenting, i don't bite😉honest.

I gonna start the next part now, wanna try get it up tomorrow or should i say today since it is 00:45 here and that means.....

It's Christmas Eve🎄🎄🎄anddd... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOU!!!😘😘💕

Lovee yaaa

Becccaaaa xoxoxox

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