Zach The Rippers Story

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Zach was going on a date with a girl at his school. This was his first date he was really nervous. He got, home first thing after school and got ready.
'i can't wait to go out with Marisa' he thought to himself he got ready.
'I wonder if she wants to go to the movies' he thought.

Zach was finished getting ready and walked to Marisa's house. He smiled when he saw her on her porch waiting for him. But little did Zach know that Marisa was a widow..

Marisa and Zach, arrived in a alleyway, why well Marisa told him she had to meet a friend there first.
But he didn't know that she was gonna kill him..

Suddenly Zach felt a pain in his head. Everything turned black..
That is, how he became...
Zach The Ripper

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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