Shisui's Return

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Written by:
sparkle123tt  potato_b1tches


Sarada pushed her red rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose. She walked calmly down the road, on her journey to the Uchiha's manor where she knew her ecstatic mother would greet her. A shadow cast over her from above, darkening her path, not that she hasn't noticed the flying body with her sensory skills. Hoping it was a message from her father she looked up, hopeful to see a hawk flying above. She pouted when she saw it was only a stupid crow.

Sarada continued on her walk.

It was the next day and this time Sarada was sitting on a bench trying to get some peace and quiet from Boruto so she could read her book in peace. A shadow loomed over her. She felt her right eye brow twitch. She. Was. Going. To. MURDER. Him.

"Would you move! Boruto I already told you I just want to read my-" Sarada abruptly stopped when she saw a crow sitting on the back of the bench casting the shadow.

"-book" she finished, obviously shocked. The crow gave a squak and jumped closer to her. Moving it's shadow away from her book. Sarada nodded in thanks, still blinking in surprise from earlier on, at the strange crow and went back to her book. The girl gasped as her book was wretched from her hands by none other than Boruto. But her shock of seeing her teammate was shortly outlived as it began to turn into anger.

The oblivious boy grinned down at her. "Ehh Sarada! Your reading? Come on! Just come do a prank with me!", Boruto offered- though it sounded to everyone else like he was demanding it.

Sarada clenched her teeth and her fist itching to punch Boruto, unfortunately, there was a puddle of mud and her precious book was dangling over the puddle and would surely fall in it if she acted rashly.

Suddenly Boruto yelped out in pain as the crow swooped out from behind Sarada and at him, snatching the book skillfully out of his hand and depositing it gently into Sarada's lap without so much as losing the correct page.

"Ow! Sarada no fair! You can't genjutsu a crow! That is SO cheating!", Boruto exclaimed holding his hurt hand, all the while glaring at his teammate.

"What?! I so did not!" Sarada exclaimed in anger of being accused so wrongly. How dare he?! He then went flying as she punched him across the street.

"Idiot" Sarada muttered. She turned to the crow who had helped her save her book from the moron.

"Thank you" Sarada said gently stroking it's head with her forefinger, she had a feeling it understood her in a way. It chirped and Sarada gasped as she noticed its right eye.

A Sharingan?!

The crow had a Sharingan!? How?! But only Uchiha's! Who was he?! How in the name if Madara did he get it?!!?! WHO'S SHARINGAN WAS IT?!?!?! Before she knew it, she began to feel light headed and her feet were giving out.

Sarada fainted, but her last thoughts were;

Dammit, why did I get mom's fainting ability?!


Sarada blinked her eyes open as she felt something sharp, hard and cold tapping her forehead. She groaned, the memories of the last few seconds catching up with her. The crow was in front of her, or rather on top of her, and pecking her worriedly in her forehead its head tilting from side to side, as if curious. She smiled at the bird. The raven head sat up and the bird hopped off her, giving her enough space to strech. Sarada held out her finger hesitantly and the bird fearlessly hopped onto it. It gave her a loving squak which she smiled at.

She studied the bird carefully and stroked it's feathers, trying to recall everything she had ever heard about crows. They were 'Birds Of Death' as civilians called them, features of bad luck, they weren't messengers like hawks....but there were crow summons....

She recalled her father telling her that her uncle Itachi used crows for his summonings. So Sarada decided that she would do that as well, but the one problem now was that the crow needed a name. But for some reason 'Itachi' didn't feel like the right name for it. She then recalled the name of her deceased uncle's best friend. A true hero her father would tell her fondly, a peace keeper who loved the village of Konoha more than anything out there. It began with an S...

Sarada thought hard and she smiled as she remembered the name.

"Welcome back to the family Shisui Uchiha" Sarada said with a smile, dubbing him.

"C'mon Shisui. Let's go home" Sarada beckoned to the bird who in return hopped from her hand to perch on her shoulder. The bird snuggled into the crook of her neck and Sarada giggled happily. She made her way home, which wasn't far off, eager to show her mother the latest Uchiha recruit. Turning the corner her walk turned into a light jog, her eagerness getting the best of her. She grinned widely as she reached her- their, she reminded herself, Shisui was now part if the family- house.

She opened the door and smiled brightly at her father's dusty navy cloak, hanging on the hook, signifying that he was home again. For however little it was. She also noticed that the Hokage's cloak; white and adorning red flames around the bottom margin of it, hung right beside her father's one. The Seventh was here?

The teen made her way to the sitting room, where she heard her mother's laughter echoing and the Seventh gaffing at whatever joke was cracked. She entered the room and quickly bowed before turning to her father.

"Papa can I keep him?" Sarada questioned as she walked into the room. Her mother was sitting on a chair, while both the Seventh and Sasuke were sitting next to each other on the couch. Both males looked up along with Sakura. Sakura aww'd at the sight of her daughter following her uncle's footsteps.

The reaction to the crow was comical. Naruto screamed, vaulting backwards over the couch shaking in terror. He pointed his finger shakily at the crow as he hid behind an amused Sasuke.

"Teme!!", he yelled, forgetting for a second that he was a respected Kage who had to keep his cool at all times, not a twelve year old Genin. "Tell your daughter to keep that damn crow away from me! I don't want it inside of me again!"

Sasuke did the wisest thing which was ignoring the Dobe and going right against his word.

"Yes Sarada you can keep...what's the crow's name?" Sasuke asked.

Sarada smiled at her father."Shisui. Shisui Uchiha"


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