July- Wu Yifan

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Where do I start...

Wu Yifan did leave EXO. (A long time ago) but that doesn't my love go him has faded...he still has a spot, which is for, him in my heart. Love EXO as it is now and love Wu Yifan for him being him. Please do not go on the comment section and say mean thing to him. He doesn't deserve it. He deserves happiness. Just like how you wish for happiness, so does he.❤️❤️❤️

    I think I saw a tattoo. He grew his hair out. He changed. But I don't mind. Maybe the girl should back up a bit though (kekekekeke. Lol)

He was a good member in EXO and now we have to let go. We had enough time to.

Listen to this song. It may calm your nerves (for some not all) I like the piano version too. The piano version really helps you calm down and rest from a long day.

Maybe you can listen to the piano version during exercises or yoga...or just reading a book (because let's face it, some of us are really lazy. I am too don't be afraid😊😊😊)

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