Chapter 1

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     It all started when I was born. I am human but was born into the animal kingdom in a lion family. I had fun playing with all the other animals in the animal kingdom. But one day I just got sick and tiered of it. Everyday was learning how to hunt, how to be king, and getting my cleaning. I just don't like it. I wanted to go out for an adventure , but all it was, was just learning how to keep clean and learn animal life or get cleaned. So I decided to slip out on night out of the den.

     I was so happy to see the moon shining so bright and all the animals sleeping. It was so peaceful and no animals arguing about who sleeps were or this is my watering hole. They were all just sleeping under moon light as peaceful as can be. I went to the big huge watering hole a little ways away from the den. The water was as still as a deer in the forest about to be found and killed but was so still it's predictor just walked right past it. I took a lot of gulps of water from the watering hole.

       I must of been really thirsty because I almost threw up most of the water I just drank and feeling the water run through my body. It was cool and refreshing. I walked to the tall grass and layers down for a while and watched over every other animal around me. All off the bodies were going up and down as they all slept. Then there was a squeak in the tall grass near me. I snapped my head were I heard the noise. Oh it was just Jerry the mouse. He must of woke up to get a cool refreshing drink of water too. Jerry asked me " why are up still up so late"? I told him " I'm just upset that I have to learn and and learn and learn so much and sometimes the same thing everyday.

      Also I never really get to do this so I decided that I'll try and do it every other night. Also I was really thirsty so I came down here to get something to drink. Jerry told me that I should get back to the den before something happens like my parents will alarm the whole animal kingdom that I'm gone or missing. So I told Jerry thank you and good night. He replied the same thing back. I walked back up the path up the big hill were the den was at the highest peak of the hill.

      It gives you a really good view of the whole animal kingdom around you. When i reached the den my "lion sister" was there sitting up straight like she was expecting me. She asked me were I was and that she was about to alarm mom and dad. I told here " thank goodness you didn't". Also I was just at the huge watering hole down the hill. I was really thirsty and needed something to drink. She gave me the look like if I were not telling her the whole truth but just said ok. So we walked over to our corner of the den and fell fast asleep together.

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