Chapter One

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It seemed like many years had passed since my small, yet stable group had been taken from me. My father, my best friend from college, and his cousin were the only people I had left. I had been out hunting and guarding the perimeters of our small camp when I heard several gunshots go off. We barely used our guns, we usually stabbed the roamers in the head with a knife and that was that. I knew something was wrong. I sprinted from my position, my heart pounding harshly within my chest.

"Run, Alex!" I heard my friend Cody yell.

"Get the hell outta here they're gonna-" my father's warning was cut off by a gun shot. I continued to run towards them anyway. The trees blocked my view of the tiny, abandoned shack we occupied but I kept running until there was a break in the trees. I pulled the knife out of my pocket, ready to ward off the threat. I stopped dead in my tracks to see a group of men surrounding Cody, his cousin, and the body of my dead father. The man holding a gun wore an eyepatch, reminding me of a pirate. I clenched my fists in anger and held back my tears. I stepped forward, the knife gripped tightly in my hand.

"WHAT THE F-?!" I screamed. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Cody turned to me, alarmed.

'You shouldn't have come back,' he mouthed. The man shot him and his cousin in the blink of an eye and I was certain I was next.

"I need supplies for my people," the man said, walking over to me. "And your pain in the ass friends just wouldn't give it to me." The men that accompanied him were taking our first aid supplies and food to their vehicle without hesitation.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I demanded, tempted to sucker punch him in his smug face. He held the gun to my cheek and snatched the knife from my hand.

"The Governor," he responded, before hitting me upside the head with the barrel of his gun and then I blacked out.

When I came to, I heard roamers nearby, but I didn't know where the prick had put my weapon. I would be damn lucky if he left it near me. As I scrambled to get up, I saw that the roamers were my group. They had bullet wounds by their heart. I emitted a low sob and searched for my knife. It was only two feet away so I grabbed it quickly and prepared to finish off the last of my loved ones. My chest began to ache with sorrow as they neared me. Then I drove the knife straight through each of their skulls.

In reality, those events were probably not even 2 years ago, but it felt like so much more. It was a miracle that I had managed on my own without running into huge herds or crazy people. I could feel myself start to go crazy. I thought I saw my dad sometimes and I would talk to him. My high school boyfriend would even come back sometimes and we'd talk like he hadn't been killed at the beginning of the apocalypse.

I needed to be surrounded by real people. Real, genuine, safe people. Was there anyone like that in Georgia? God I hoped so or else I'd find a gun to blow my brains out.

I stumbled upon a community one sweltering afternoon. More like I followed someone's truck and approached the gate. The people on duty stopped me, holding me at gunpoint. "Woah there buddy, just what do you think you're doing?" a buff redheaded man asked me.

"I need a place to stay," I croaked. I hadn't had a proper camp since my small group. "Please."

The dark skinned woman at the other post narrowed her eyes at me. "How can we trust you?" she asked firmly, not moving her gun's aim from me.

"Ask me anything," I said, raising my hands up. "I have a knife in my pocket that I'm going to pull out and slide under the gate."

The gate began to open and they allowed me to step through. I was greeted by a scruffy looking man who seemed to have not shaved in quite some time. "I'm Rick.. you are?"

"Alex Baker," I responded. "I'm sorry to just barge in here. I've been on my own for a long time and I just need a place to stay for a while."

"Come with me, I've got to ask you some questions," he told me gruffly. I trailed behind him, worried if I had just set myself up to be killed.

A/N: This is my first Walking Dead fanfiction and I'm really excited. So I see Alex Baker as Jake Gyllenhaal, who is on the cover next to Negan. I hope you enjoy!

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