Another Lost Girl?

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Zoella P.O.V

I was picking out an outfit for the da- "WHERE AM I?!" I hear an oddly feminine voice scream.

I run out of my tent in just my night gown. I look around, where did that voice  come from? Are there other girls on the island?

"OH GOD I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED BY A CULT!" I heard the same voice yell.

It came from the camp! I head off towards there.

When I arrive I see an oddly dressed girl surrounded by the boys. "Oi, what's going on boys?" I said.

"YO, I'M SURROUNDED BY PSYCHOS! PLEASE HELP ME!" The girl says hysterically looking at me. 

"Guys give the poor girl some space!" I said. Everyone backs off.

Then Peter appeared. "What is the bloody problem? FELIX come here." He said.

Felix came up to Peter and said, "Something went wrong. The shadow brought a girl instead of a boy. And she is completely crazy!" Felix said. 

"Bloody hell... Fine I'll deal with this." Peter said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Hello there! What is troubling you luv?" Peter said with an innocent smile.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think he might even be a decent human being.

"So many things man.. SO MANY THINGS. Like first of all, where am I? Who are you people? Who was that fucking demonic, supernatural, dementor looking thing that flew me here?  And how do I get back to California?" She said in a lightning fast pace.

"Well you are in Neverland darling, and I am Peter Pan. These chaps, happen to be the Lost-" he said before the girl cut him off.

"You have got to be shitting me dude. Are you high? This is not Neverland! Neverland is a fictional place! It's not real! How can you be Peter Pan?" She ranted.

Peter used his magic to appear in front of the girl. Before she could even register what happened  he pick her up and started flying.

"Believe me now luv?" He asked with a smirk.


He landed and gently put her down as he said. "That's right. Now if you could calm down, I have a few of my own questions I'd like you to answer." Peter said.

The girl started breathing rapidly. I think she was hyperventilating..

"For heavens sake.." Peter muttered. 

Peter snapped his fingers and the girl fell asleep. He caught her before she fell and carried her bridal style.

"I will take care of this problem! Continue as you were!" He said.

"Oh and Zoella, you may want to dress in appropriate clothing.. Do you realize that you are in just a night gown?" Peter said with a smirk before flying back to his tree house with the girl.

"Oh shit." I said remembering what I am wearing.

I noticed all the lost boys looked my way after Peter pointed it out. Just great.

"Avert yo eyes, ya sick pervs!" Minho yells.

He walks my way and said "MINHO TO THE RESCUE! Piggy back ride?"

I chuckle and nod my head.

He runs as fast as he can to my tent. We laugh the entire way there. Once we arrive he let's me down.

"Thank you so much Minho you're my hero" Minho said in a high pitched voice, trying to mimic me.

I smack him on the back of his head and said, "seriously mate? I was literally about to thank you before you said that."

"All I am saying is, little gratitude would be appreciated, seeing as I just saved your ass." He said.

"Fine. Thank you ssssooooooo much! I don't know what I'd do without someone as kind and giving as you." I said sarcastically. 

Minho rolled his eyes and said, "just go get ready."

"You don't have to wait outside I'll get dressed and meet you back at the camp." I said.

"No it's fine, I'd rather stay. I didn't like the way some of the guys were looking at you, so I'll guard your tent till you're done." He said.

"Aww, I guess you really are my hero MinMin!" I gushed while pinching his cheeks.

"First of all, damn straight I'm a hero. Just look at these guns." He said flexing his big biceps.
"Secondly, do. Not. Call. Me. 'MinMin' EVER. Again." He said.

"Aye I reckon you're right... MinMin." I said while walking inside.

I quickly change out of my white nightgown and put on a maroon colored long sleeved blouse with a black corset over it. I slip on a pair of maroon colored leather pants and lace up my black boots.

I walk over to my chest and grab my weapons. I put on a belt and place my sword in it. I place a dagger in both of my boots. 

I take out my messy bun and comb through my dark brown hair with my hand. I braid my hair to one side and secure it with pins.

"Yo! Are you done yet Zoe?" I heard Minho yell.

I sigh and walk outside.

I saw Minho sitting on the floor. And across from him is Felix.

"Hello Zoella, so I see you finally decided to join us." Felix said with a slight smile.

"Sit your butt down. We have got things to talk about." MinMin said.

I let out a snort and sat down. "I see you're as blunt as ever MinMin." I said.

"Don't call me that!" He said.

I stuck my tongue out childishly. "No." I said.

"Why you li-" he said before Felix interpreted him. "Settle down children! We have important issues to discuss." He said.

"What is it Felix?" I asked.

"It is about that girl who showed up." Felix said.


Bonjour. Comment'allez vous? (Good day. How are you?)

Je ne parle pas français trés bien...
(I can't speak French very well...)

Je ne sais pas pourquoi..
(I don't know why..)

Tant pis.
(Oh well.)

LOL seriously though, I am still learning French so I'd like to apologize if I spelled anything wrong or used the words in the wrong way.

French is a pretty cool language!

Oh and because I love Minho (from TMR) he will probably show up more from now on.

ALSO, I added another girl. Ohhh shit is about to go down guys.

So hope u enjoy it, and I know, this chapter is short but next chapter will be better!

The song is again sung by KIM TAEHYUNG. Cuz why the fuck not.

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