Chapter 6

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Shereen POV
We saw......Zoë she walked over to us and hugged Akyrah then hugged me and said "whose this" she pointed to Jasmine "that's my new stepsister Jasmine. Jasmine this is my best friend Zoë "Akyrah said
"Nice to meet you"Zoë said and held her handout to shake Jasmine's.Jasmine grabbed Zoë's hand and pulled it up to lips and kissed her hand and said "you too beautiful"Zoë giggled like a little school girl and blushed.Anger started to build up inside me.i clenched my jaw watching them flirt "Zoë can I talk to in restroom for a sec"I said she followed me to the restroom and as soon as the door closed I went off
"WELL YOU SURE DONT ACT LIKE IT .YOU CLAIM YOU LOVE ME BUT YOU YOU STILL WITH AKYRAH IF YOU LOVED ME LIKE YOU SAY YOU DO YOU WOULD DUMP THAT HOE" she yelled at me almost in tears as soon as I was about to say something the door burst open and there stood Akyrah in tears with Jasmine behind her "baby im sorry I was gonna tell you—" I was cut off "no you know fuck u and Zoë I loved you Shereen with all my heart and you do this to me and you Zoë your a fake ass friend and a hoe. how you gonna fuck with your so called best friend's girlfriend I hate both of y'all don't talk to me ever again"
After what she said she ran out the club in tears and Jasmine went after her. I feel terrible how could I treat her like that and all she did was love me. I'm such an ass.
Akyrah POV
How could she I cried all the way home.Once i got in the house my mom was on the couch watching TV I ran into her arms and cried on her"what wrong?what happened?" She said
"S-she ch-cheated on me with Z-Zoë" I said through my sobs after a few minutes Jasmine walked through the door and say on the other side of me and comfort me I barely know her and I feel like I have a connection with her I don't know what it is about her.

Chapter 6 completed
Sorry for not posting yesterday I had cheer practice yesterday and homework but I will try to post as much as possible


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