• Chapter One •

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It seemed like a lovely day, there was not a single cloud seen in the sky. The greenery added to the beauty.

"If only..."

She sighed and continued looking outwards into the garden. Oh, how delightful it would be to have permission to go out into the town.


A sheepish voice called out from a corner of the room snapping [Your name] from her pleasant thoughts. She saw one of her mother's thrall, timidly standing near the door.

"Your mother calls for you"

The woman says, meekly. [Your name] smiled and stood from the chair, mouthing a thank you to the woman.

She walked towards the dining room, anxious on what her mother would say. She had been going on about finding possible suitors. Once she reached the wooden door, she quietly knocked.

"Come in"

Her mother's voice said, sternly. She walked slowly towards her mother's side.


She did as she was told and ceased.

"How dare you show yourself with such little on, come back to me when you are dressed as properly"

[Your name] nodded and began walking back to her bedroom. She opened the armoire revealing numerous dresses, all different in appearance. In the end, she found an elaborate champagne pink dress.

This was only for her mother's approval. She'd have chosen something more plain if it were up to her. She slipped her out of her silk nightgown and began putting her undergarment on.

She had her personal thrall tie her corset, uncomfortably tight for her mother's approval. Of course, she'd never consider her as a 'slave' but, more of her friend. She'd occasionally share her dreams and they'd share a laugh mocking her mother.


"Thank you, [Best friends name]"

She walked into the same room, repeating the process over again. She was scanned up and down by her mother before receiving an approving nod.

"As we talked about the day before, I believe it's time you be wed, It's your duty is to carry your father's legacy."

"Mother, I wish not to marry in an arrangement! I wish to marry for love!"

"Darling [Your name], where'd you fill your head with such nonsense? Don't tell me it's those tales you've been reading."

"Mother, please!"

"We are to never speak of this nonsense, again. Understand? You are to be married to a suitor, no questions nor complaints. You're not to exit your room until you understand"

[Your name] sighed in defeat as she nodded.

"Yes, mother"

[Your name] walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her in a fit of anger. She was well-aware that she'd get scolded later but, it didn't matter. She rushed passed thralls who were quite dazed at her actions, into her room. She'd managed to block the door with a chair making it difficult to enter the room. It was something she'd do as a child to prevent her mother from scolding her. Of course, her mother always found a way inside and disciplined her, far worse than a lecture.

She allowed her [Eye color] eyes to scan the room, detecting her father's portrait. He was a kind and caring man who had moral. He was the opposite of her mother. He refused to keep slaves, he couldn't even bring himself to harm a fly. Sadly, he was taken away by pneumonia however, he taught his only daughter to read and to write. It was rare a woman knew to write. Most families only gave sons that privilege.

It was rather tedious waiting for nightfall but, she'd go through with it. She had thoughts about it for while but, finally found the courage to actually commit. Her delicate hands gripped the quill as she began writing.

Dear mother,

Anger may consume you as you read this, I do not apologize for that. I show no remorse for the actions on which I'm about to commit to, I will not shift into you marrying a man for money and only that. You've always called it nonsense, it is far from that. I will only marry for love. If it is with a poor man then so be it, poor and happy is much preferred than being wealthy and miserable.

Sincerely, [First initial]. [Last name]

She placed the feather gently into the ink container and left the paper on the desk. She changed into something more proper for the estimated twelve-week boat ride. She began stuffing multiple items into a rather large trunk. She then proceeded, quietly to where her mother hid her father's money. She grabbed what she thought was necessary and carried her trunk, sheltered by the darkness of the night.

Upon arriving at the dock, there were quite a few young sailors surrounding the ship. She approached the bunch and extended her hand to give the money that was due.

"Would this be enough?"

The one that appeared the oldest nodded and allowed her aboard the ship. She peered out to the side of deck seeing small waves hitting the boat. She looked to the horizon, seeing the moonlight hit the sea created a beautiful reflection. It was indeed a dazzling sight. Perhaps, she'd live through this journey to see the moonlight in the colonies.


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