• Chapter Twenty-Four •

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The soft light of the rising sun awoke [Your Name], her eyes slightly squinted as she attempted to adjust her vision at the change of illumination. A displeased groan escaped from her lips, although mornings were not terrible, they were not something she was all too eager about. Sleeping through the day was ideal for her, however that was something that had yet to happen. Hues flicker around the carriage to her children, all whom of which slightly stirred in their sleep. She then turned her attention to the window, pushing back the fabric finding herself at the familiar streets. Her lips slowly curve upwards as she begins to gently wake all the children, informing them to which they turn exited. Although a lovely stay, much like her, they missed their father.

The carriage soon came to a stop, she reached before she was slightly taken aback as the door was opened by someone else. She quickly regained her composure as she found it was the carriage driver, a polite smile upon his face as he extended hands for the children then finally to her. She carefully got out, handing the man a few shillings before walking towards the front gate of the familiar house. The children rushed passed her, making their presence very much known with their happy squeals and laughs. She chuckled to herself as they opened the house's doors.

The house was oddly silent as if it were stuck in time as everything could be heard, the children rushing to their rooms with the exception of Philip. He stood besides her, a small hand of his seeking to interlace with her fingers. Surely he must have noticed the off putting silence through the house, an observant and clever boy he grew to be. Those large curiosity-filled eyes looked towards her, to which she could only give a slight smile as she rubbed her thumb against the top of his hand.

"Check your father's office, darling. "

A soft nod was given as Philip took his grasp away from hers, the soft noise of his shoes hitting the wooden floor as he departed to the door he'd spend most of his days at when not enrolled in school, attempting to converse with Alexander. She went her own way, climbing up the stairs to their bedroom. It was most certainly peculiar that Hamilton had not been inside the house, work usually did not call on Sundays. She slowly turned the knob to a familiar door, peaking inside. There was absolutely no sign of Alexander, just an unmade bed. A disappointed frown tugged at her lips at the lack of her husband, and disregard for cleanliness.

"Ma! He wasn't there!"

"Well, I'm sure your father will return soon. I'm the mean time, would you like to help me prepare for breakfast, Philip?"


Time had passed since that initial conversation with Philip, the house was now only illuminated with candlelight. The children glad to be tucked into their own beds, the sweet smile that made it all worth it on their expressions as their lids fluttered shut. Even with such things, there was still that sense of sadness that [Your Name] not yet seen Alexander, nor those mesmerizing eyes that she'd not gazed into for so long. The very eyes that left her utterly helpless, and unable to resist him. A small frown grew onto her expression as she thought more on the subject of Alexander.

Weightless hands rise towards her [Hair color] locks, removing the pins that held it back throughout the day. A soft sigh escaped from her lips as she rested her head atop of the pillow, coving her body with the sheets of the bed. There was only one thing consuming her mind, how strange it was that Alexander had been gone for the whole day. It was made clear the day they were to return, the letters she wrote to him clearly stating it. A soft clicking noise caught her attention as her gaze lifted towards the door, catching a glimpse of that familiar face. A bewildered look consuming his expression.

"Alexander... You're rather late."

"I do apologize, dear. It had completely slipped my mind of your return— I was unexpectedly called to... work."

She hushed him as she removed the covers from her and sat up to the edge of the mattress, a soft smile upon her expression to which Alexander returned. He approached to where she sat, his hand reaching towards hers. Once in his gentle grasp, he leaned forward to place a kiss onto both of them. Her chin dipped and a soft breath of laughter escaped at his tender gesture. As his grip loosen and her hands return to her lap, there's no hesitation in reaching for him once more. She places her hands upon his cheeks, pulling him slightly downwards and pressing her lips against his. Eventually breaking apart at the sudden laughter escaping her lips, the corners of her eyes slightly crinkling.

"What has gotten you to laugh, dear?"

"To be perfectly frank, I am not sure. I suppose I'm just happy."


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