The Test (short story)

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So, this is something I wrote for an english assignment a while back, it's my first ever attempt at writting anything at all. I hope you enjoy it. I'm open to criticism and thank you for taking the time to read this :)

Lying motionless… another day spent lounging around, with the eyes of onlookers gouging into my skin. But today, today the sensational stabbing pain of the prolonged hunger deep within my stomach seems stronger; more evident. Although I seem to be relaxing, I’m still aware, constantly watching, anticipating, waiting for the rest of the unsuspecting pack to make a move. All waiting for the same thing, willing to tear each other limb from limb in order to reach our prize; the meat.

Then it hit me …the glorious aroma of the raw meat. I knew the others had smelt it too, when they shifted slightly, manipulating their stances to enable them to be first to try and take a bite, but I had already thought this through. I had positioned myself to my advantage, closest to the heavenly hole through which the prize would come, still managing to disadvantage the others; blocking their paths ever so slightly. If all else failed, I am ready to pounce on them in a split second.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my ears were greeted by the ear-piercing howl of the sliding metal door. The incessant undertone of the low growls becoming louder by the second. Just the thought of sinking my razor-sharp teeth into the read glistening jewel of flesh, causing me to salivate.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp shooting pain in my back leg. Instantly, I know I’ve been bitten, with no doubt that it was my opponent, I spin my head around and ferociously snap my jaws in return. Sprinting. Driving myself harder in order to reach the meat, but my wound is crippling me, slowing me down. My opponent creeps in front of me and I try to nip at his heels but to no avail.

I slowly feel my remaining stores of energy seep away as my leg becomes moist with blood.

I remain conscious long enough to be witness to my competitor collecting the prize which was rightfully mine. He looks back towards me with a look of triumph and smugness engraved within his face.

Slowly, I lose full consciousness. Slipping into the void of the unknown, having lost my final battle.

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