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Heyyy I'm back I guess??? Not really sure about that coz my end tern marks dropped to the drain is all I can say. Let's hope for the best *fingers crossed*

Anywaysssss this cover was made in less than 5 minutes for the lovely Teen-Fic. She contacted me through my IG acc (@/harryxgoals) 💓💓

Her story was just published so make sure to give it some loveeeee ❤❤ hope you guys like the cover, you can dm me on ig or my twitter (look at my bio - personal) don't be shy 😊😊

Here's another I made for her, since she sent two pictures ❤✨

p.s. I know this is not my very best (both of them) but she requested super simple ones so why not? :)

Got any idea for super simple covers? You can pass it to me and I'll do it, don't worry about the creds I'll tag you 😌😘

Hope you lovelies have a wonderful week ahead, love yall see ya real soon x

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