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'Daddy I don't want to go . 'Pleaded a thin black haired girl . 'Allie you have to go , I know your not good at magic , I know your only good at potions just please -' . 'Ok ' Alice said to her Father . But why do I have to go early to it's 10 o'clock the train dosent come till eleven . 'You will survive .' He said smiling . A rare occurrence with my father . He was the potions proffesor at hogwarts . Sevurus Snape . 'Bye Dad ' . I said and hopped onto the deserted train . I sat in the compartment closest to the door . I looked out the window as families leaked into the station . I heard the compartment door slide open and a clunk . I looked down at the feeble stink bomb . I picked it and silently moved outside the door to the hall and shit the compartment. 'What the !' Said a voice outside . 'Oi who stink bombed us . ' said another . 'Hello .' Said a voice inside my compartment . I turned to see two identical bald Nagas (Gaint snakes ) .

'What ?' Said a dazed girl looking up at her dark bedroom . 'Oh . A dream .' She said quietly she turned on the light and started to read . Dreams had littered Alice's mind from the day she was born . Her mother had to move to France for work so she lived with her father . He worked at hogwarts so she was taken care of by Aberforth Dumbledore . But this year was different she was going to Hogwarts . 'Hmm ' she said looking over Hogwarts a history and to her clock 5:25 'might as well .' She said getting dressed .'Morning Dad' she said as he came into the kitchen . 'Hello.' He said sitting at the table . 'Why are you up so early ? ' he asked . ' I dreamed that I was going to hogwarts and I had black hair . And I stinkbombed some people and met twins , they were red heads . ' I said
quickly . I pushed my faded red hair out of my face .

(Lol) 'Dad today I got this

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(Lol) 'Dad today I got this . I said as I watched him cook breakfast . I put a letter on the counter and waited he turned and looked delighted .'Ah today I will pick up your things . Study hard !' He said . 'Hmm .' I said looking at the runny porridge. 'Your mother always cooked better . She will be back . Soon... ' he said looking at me .' Well bye dad I will be at Aberforth's . Bye .' I said . 'Bye .' He said waving at me . Dad didn't want me to be noticed by the public . I walked into the fireplace and transported to the Hog's Head .

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