Chapter 2

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Dana POV.
As I walked up to Calvin later at school, I noticed Greg taunting him. Here's how the conversation went fam:
G: Stay away from my Harambae™
C: She's my new friend. Fuck off.
G: Hey look, here comes the slut now.
Greg walks up to me and punches me in the face, and kicks me to the ground. He continues to beat the shit out of me, and Calvin, being the stronger one, (using that term very very loosely) pushes Greg away and kicks Greg, making him cry. Greg runs away. "IM TELLING MY M0MMIE U DID TGAT" he screeched while running back home.
Calvin helped me up and led me to the bathroom, handing me a red bottle. "Drink it, it'll make you feel a lot better." He says. I look at the label. BLEACH!!!!1!!!1! MY FAVE OMG!!!1?! I open it and fuckin chug dat shit mang. It tastes like the fresh taste of pumpkin spice. A fall flavor, and a rarity. "Thank you," I tell him and smile. He puts TØP bandaids on my cuts that I somehow got idk. He lifts up my shirt. "I need to patch up your stomach, xD" "xD" I reply and blush, letting him do what he said he would. "There, all better." He said, finishing up. I feel like a unicorn just gave Andy Biersack a blowjob. That's how gr9 I feel around Calvin. As we walk out of the bathroom, Max, my b3stie xD, came up to me. "MEGAN IS TRYING TO GET IN ME PANTZ???! XD" he yelled. I ignored him and walked with Calvin. As we walk, I see Megan running after Max and a frog on a unicycle riding after Megan with a knife. "O shit waddup" Calvin says as we pass him. 3day will be the prefekt dai.
Leafy POV.
I rly want Dana to be my gf. I want to text her 'rawr xD' when I wake up and before I go to sleep. I want her to care about me. I've only known her for a couple days but it feels like years xD.
I sing my favorite song by my favorite band, Candyland by Blood on the Dance Floor. I'm in class and nobody notices me so I text Dana. Convo:
C: fuckin h8 dis klass
D: idk waht r u in I'm in English. The scene is Lady Macbeth giving her husband a bj. Megan rly wanted to be lady Macbeth bc Max is Macbeth lmao.
C: Niice. I'm in Algebra. Idk what an inequality even is Wtf
D: same
I put my phone away, as my teacher, Brendan Urie saw me w my phone. This is gonna be a fucked up day.

New Dude- Leafyishere x Dana HatchWhere stories live. Discover now