Chapter 7

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I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, I just didn't feel like going out or seeing anyone. And again I wanted to run away.
It was the day after and I was planning on staying in my room, but then when there was a knock on my door, in the late afternoon. I answered without looking through the peep hole. "Hey sweetie, how you doing?" It was Tig. I really didn't want to see or talk to anyone, so I went to close the door but by no surprise he stuck his foot out stopping the door from closing. He then walked in.
"Don't be like this" he said as looking round the room before turning to me. "This is the last thing the club needs right now" he said as looking me up down. Which reminded me that I was still only wearing my tartan tiny pj shorts and a white vest.
"Umm do you mind giving me a sec" I said as turning to the bathroom. I then quickly tried to find any type of clothing but there was nothing. "Shit".
"Everything okay in there" Tig said as chuckling. "Yeah I'm fine" I said as wishing he would just go away.
"Umm do you..." I was gonna ask him to come back later or go outside but I got interrupted "Im gonna need to step outside I gotta ring the boys".
'What a miracle' I thought.
Tig stepped outside and I rummaged around my room to put together an outfit, and got changed.
I had finished getting ready and I finished cleaning up my room and Tig still hadn't came back in, I was a little worried.
I looked out the window to see if he had left but I hadn't heard the bike go and it was still there but there was also suspicious looking black van next to it.
Suddenly out of nowhere a gunshot was fired outside. I jumped and ran to get my little revolver, I was given it when I turned 16, that I take everywhere with me, which I hid in the draw with all my underwear. It was loaded.
I slowly opened my door, slowly stepped outside and I spotted Tig in a court yard hiding behind a bin on the phone. He spotted me and waved me towards him, I shook my head. I stepped back in my room to see if I could see the gunman out the window, but as I approached the window it suddenly smashed and the gunman jumped in. "F*uck!" I said as diving back out the room and slamming the door behind me. I turned to Tig and he grabbed my arm. "Lets go" he said as still holding onto my arm we were coming to the front of the motel when all of a sudden I heard a loud gun shot again and another. I felt something hit my side but didn't think much of it, I turned to Tig. "Oh flip" he said as letting go and gripping onto his side. He had been shot. I was not gonna let this happen so I fired back. Aiming at the two gunmen approaching. I finally stopped and the two people I was aiming for were on the floor. I turned to Tig to find him slumped on the floor.
I looked up and heard the police sirens. "Come on we've gotta get out of here" I said as crouching down to Tig. I reached my arm under his arm and helped him up. "Oh fuck!" He said as looking down to my side. "Oh don't worry it's just a bit of blood" I said as trying to get out of here. "No, you've been shot!!" He said as looking at me. "Oh, it'll be okay" I said trying to reassure myself. The more I thought about it the more it really hurt.
We tried hobbling across to the bike but before I could get on the police were here.

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