Chapter 3

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I walk in the door to Starbucks and see Harry get up out of his seat. He walks towards me and greets me with a tight hug.

"Good morning love," His dimples are tight as I smile.

"Good morning."

He leads me to the table and pulls out my chair for me to sit in. It kills me how much of a sweetheart he is.

"So how are you?" He asks before sitting across from me.

"I'm okay, you?" I ask.

"Fantastic." He smiles down at his hands at his answer.

"Do you know how good you look?" I blurt out before blushing.

"Yes, but the real question is did you know the same?" His eyes meet mine as my stomach explodes with butterflies.

"No, no I didn't." I answer as the waitress brings our drinks to our table.

She winks at Harry before walking away. He groans before facing me.

"She's so desperate. She does that every single time I'm here."

"That sucks," I say unsure of how to fill the awkward silence.

"You're literally the nicest person I have met." I compliment.

"Thanks. I wasn't always like this." He says.

"I hardly believe that."

"Well it's true. My dad dated this bitch for years. She made my veins boil every single day. I got drunk a lot which wasn't pretty. I just know I was a major asshole." He laughs.

"Yeah I know Jane's a bitch." I say as he looks at me.

"You know Jane?"

"Oh uhm, she's my step mom."

"Oh." He states.

"She tried telling me how bad you were yesterday,"

"Do you believe her?" He asks.

"No." I think about all of that. Of course I don't believe her. It's not fair to Harry, and he really doesn't seem that bad.

"I promise you I've changed. Don't be scared." He assures me before taking a sip of his coffee. Maybe that's all I need, is a deep breath away from Jane. She can't push me to make decisions about people who I don't even know.

"So uh how else do I get to know you?" I ask. He sets his coffee down and looks out the window.

"Well, I have a step brother who's the same age as me. His name is Zayn. He's pretty quite most of the time but we live in a frat house on campus together. What about you? Have any siblings?"

"I have a brother. I haven't seen him in forever though. I mean he seemed like a fairly nice guy but I only met him once so I can't say much about him. His name is Jaxson but I guess it doesn't really matter." I sigh as Harry checks the time.

"Well love we better get to class," Harry says as he makes a pouty face.

"Damn I really enjoyed this." I say as he smiles.

"Me too." He puts on his coat as we head for the door.

"Shall we meet after school?" I ask.

"Yes. I'll see you in photography Astra." He winks before heading to his car.

I can't think of a single word to describe the feelings Harry gives me. Damn I think I like him. I like him a lot.


"Class to prepare for next weeks quiz, I will assign you partners." My chemistry teacher says as I sigh. Harry's not in this class.

He goes through a long list of names of people that I will never know. Until he finally reaches mine.

"Astra Brooks and Jax Long." He says.

He claps his hands twice before partnerships start frantically searching for each other. Unfortunately, I have no idea who Jax is.

Suddenly, an attractive guy walks up to me and holds out his hand.

"Jax." He says.

"Oh I'm Astra." I politely shake his hand as he smiles. His tan skin is firm and his cheekbones are visible.

I notice a tattoo coming out from the sleeve of his shirt but I don't question it. His hair is bleached on the quiff but brown everywhere else. Interesting.

"I know." He says before sitting down.

"So Astra wanna go out tonight?" He asks.

"Uh sorry I already have plans." I stiffen up from discomfort. I already feel a little uneasy about Jax. He's a complete bad boy and reminds me of Truett.

"It's okay. Maybe another time?"

"Maybe another time." I say as he smirks.

I sit through the whole class in misery. I'm scared about Jax and feel completely frightened on what will happen between us.

As the final bell rings I quickly shove all my things in my bag and charge out of the class. I can't look at him for one more second.

I run outside towards the car. I can't wait to see Harry. He makes everything better. As I'm running I'm not looking, I'm only thinking. What could Jax do? Why did he jump on me the first chance he got?

Suddenly I slam into someone and fall down on the concrete.

"Shit I'm sorry." I look up to see Harry as his eyes suddenly widen.

"Astra? Holy fuck I'm sorry." He says before helping me up. He's just letting go of my arm as I leap right back into his chest and begin to bawl.

"Shhh," Harry whispers as I try to explain what happened.

"I- I met someone. I'm scared Harry." I stutter. His hand rubs tiny circles on my back and it's really soothing.

I finally stop crying as he takes my face in his hands and looks me in the eyes. "Who was it?" He asks in a soft voice.

"His name was Jax."

"Shit," he curses under his breath.

"What? What's going on? What's he going to do to me?" I cry before he holds me tight again.

"Did he do anything to you?" He asks as I shake my head.

"Just stay with me okay? I promise to keep you safe and protect you." Harry says as I look up at his green eyes.

"Thank you." I say before he walks me to my car.

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