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"Oh god" Mitch moaned, moving his head to the side as Scott kissed down his neck.

Mitch was straddling Scott and had already removed his button down shirt, not remembering which direction he threw it.

"You're so beautiful." Scott whispered, smiling softly as he flipped them over. Mitch watched as his muscles flexed, already loving the view.

"Mm so pretty" Scott hummed as he kissed his jawline, his left hand roaming up and down his body gently. Mitch just smiled and blushed slightly before swallowing thickly, getting nervous. Scott knew something was wrong, and it didn't help that Mitch was terrible at hiding his feelings, but he didn't want to ruin his night.

"Mitch we can stop.." he said and looked him in the eyes, moving some hair from his face and rubbing his cheek with the pad of his thumb. Mitch hesitated before taking a shaky breath, slowly sitting up.

"I told you I would trust you, and you've given me no reason not to." He started, moving to hold his hand, playing with his fingers as a distraction.

See, Mitch didn't have the best luck in relationships. He wasn't a virgin by far, and he'd had boyfriends, but when it came to romance it was like a foreign language to him. He'd only ever kissed one of his boyfriends on the mouth, and found out after about 8 months that he'd cheated on him with his best friends brother the entire time. Heartbreak was an understatement. Now, here he was, falling hard and fast for quite possibly the sweetest guy he'd ever met and he was blowing it because of some other stupid guy.

"Mitchy?" Scott asked, seeing that he wasn't responding and he knew he was thinking hard. Mitch smiled and blushed at the nickname, looking up to meet his ocean blue gaze.

"Sorry, just thinking." He said and sighed, more content now that he'd had a few moments to think.

"I'm going to do something but you can't move okay?" He asked seriously and Scott just nodded.

"Promise." He said softly and watched as Mitch held his pinky out, Scott following suit and linking their smallest fingers.

Mitch smiled at the gesture before getting serious again, moving to straddle him just because it was more comfortable before placing his hands on his shoulders. Scott watched the smaller boy look between his eyes and his lips and waited as patiently as he could.

Mitch finally moved his arms around his neck lazily and leaned in, kissing him softly. Scott didn't move. Just like he promised, and after the brief moment when Mitch pulled away, he still sat still.

"Please tell me I can move now." Scott said eagerly as he watched Mitch biting his bottom lip shyly. Mitch didn't respond at first, but as soon as he nodded Scott was leaning forward to kiss him again.

"Scott!" Mitch giggled, practically laughing into the kiss but that didn't stop Scott from trying. Of course now it was twice as hard because Mitch laughing was making him smile.

"Oh cmon you can't expect me to just sit here after you give me the best kiss of the century!" He retorts, almost pouting as Mitch calmed his laughs and sat up properly.

Mitch blushed and fixed his hair, "It wasn't that good." He said and moved to cuddle into him. Scott just rolled his eyes and tickled his side once before pulling him closer, if that was even possible.

"Okay then, now it's your turn if you don't think it was so great. Sit still until I say you can move. Got it?" He said sternly but just making a point. Mitch raised an eyebrow suspiciously before nodding and huffing, arms crossed.

Scott knew Mitch was feeling hesitant and didn't want to rush into anything but also knew he needed to give him a little tap, kinda like a shove but not as much.

Mitch watched Scott closely, standing his ground as he watched him sit across from him. He expected him to kiss him like Mitch had done, but he didn't. Instead, Scott gently uncrossed the boy's arms, uncrossed his legs, and slowly laid him down on his back like before. Except this was nothing like before.

"Scott, what are ya doing?" Mitch asked, trying to be cute but just ending up sounding as nervous as he was, his voice slightly shaky.

"Shhh" he said softly as he hovered overtop of him and leaned down closer. He moved his hair from his face carefully, his fingertips barely brushing his skin, and he watched Mitch as he laid tense.

Mitch watched Scott above him, moving at what seemed to be the speed of a sloth as he felt a large hand support his head and neck, the other cupping his face gently.

Scott smiled, feeling how fast his heart was beating, wondering if anyone had ever genuinely kissed him, and meant it. But if not, Scott was about to change that.

Mitch needed air, his heart was beating so fast he thought it was going to beat out of his chest. "Sco-"

Just then he was cut off, feeling soft lips pressing firmly against his own. Mitch let out a breathe he didn't realize he was holding and his eyes fluttered shut, not even able to process what was happening as his arms slowly wrapped around Scott's neck, completely forgetting that he wasn't supposed to move.

When Scott felt Mitch touching him he gently pulled away and smiled, watching Mitch open his eyes in confusion.

"Not even 10 seconds, I counted." Scott said with a shrug, knowing he'd made his point.

Mitch just glared with a smile he was trying to repress. "So you're trying to tell me that Peter Pan kisses better than Prince Charming..?" He asked and now his smile was smug.

Scott blushed and smirked before shrugging, shaking his head because at this point he didn't care, Mitch was happy and so was he.

"Okay, you win. But only if I get another kiss." He said and smiled before making a kissy face. Mitch just laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Anything for you, my Prince."

Prince Charming (Scömíche)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ