Battle Against a True President

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Sans arrives and takes us back to Memeville. As soon as we arrive, my phone starts going bezerk. What did I miss? I check my phone. It's texts from Candela. I begin reading. The first one reads as follows.

"Dude! Listien, Trump won the election! He doesn't need Memeville anymore! You can't face him in the arena! He has the power of America!"

If he really is president, I have to stop him. I won't let him destroy Mexico. I do not reply to the texts, they all basically say, "don't do it."

"Thanks for the help Sans," I smile, "but I gotta rest up for the match tomorrow. See ya." Grand Dad and I head back to Kappa's.

"So Trump won," Grand Dad sighs, "now what?"

"I beat him in the tournament," I reply, "it's that simple."

"He's a sore loser," Grand Dad explains, "if you do win, he'll just nuke Memeville."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there," I reply, "for now, I'm getting some shut eye."

I head to the guest room and go to sleep. I wake up the next morning. Storm clouds fill the air. It's an absolutely dreadful day outside.

I proceed to the arena. Trump supporters fill the stands. "So," Trump smirks, "the coward came. I didn't expect to win until next election, but it looks like I did, so I don't need to become Meme King anymore. Now I have the power of America, and with these voters filling the stands I am come unto a God. The only one who can stop me now is Frisk, so I've come to kill them. I'm DETERMINED to win this. Then, after Sans's match, that's when I'll strike. Tell me Spark, do you really want to face me?"

"I won't let you do this," I growl, "you can't just kill people you don't like!"

"You really are an idiot," Trump smirks, "do you see this?" Trump holds up a dark blue soul, "this is the soul of Hillary Clinton. Only she could have had me pay for my crimes, but now, I killed her. I have complete diplomatic immunity. So, in the words of Sans, you wanna have a bad time? Cause if you step forward, you might not get the president you expect."

I step forward.

"Sorry KKK," Trump sighs, "but even if he's white he's gotta go."

Trump starts a FIGHT. An Undertale FIGHT. Battle Against a True Hero begins to play, or so I think. It's made up of Trump quotes and Trump going bing and bong. This is not Battle Against a True Hero, this is Battle Against a True President.

Trump blocks the way. A small loan of a million dollars fills the air.

I FIGHT. My attack does almost nothing. Bald eagles fly at my soul from all directions. I douge, narrowly avoiding their talons.

Trump does not say a word, he only glares. A small loan of a million dollars fills the air.

I FIGHT again. The attack does minimum damage.

Trump only glares. A small loan of a million dollars fills the air. He's so busy snickering he doesn't attack. I can't do this alone, there's only one choice.

I ACT. I call out for help... I distinctly hear loudspeakers.

Trump attacks with dollar bills. They slice my soul. My health drops to ten.

I call out for help once more. "This is the boy mayor!" A voice cries out.

Trump appears afraid. A small loan of a million dollars fills the air.

Trump attacks once more, this time ballots fly at me from all directions. Each dealing one damage, but there's to many to douge. I end up with one HP left.

Trump smirks, as a small loan of a million dollars fills the air. I call out for help...

"My fellow memes," a voice begins, "we have before us a murder, who killed his political rival for power. We have before us, a meme who has destroyed this fair city. We will not let idly by and allow Trump to continue his murderous spree. Trump, you may have diplomatic immunity, but that does not apply in war. I, the Boy Mayor of Second Life, declare war with The USA..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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