This is very important

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Okay so I have a few very special friends I'll do anything for! And I just wanted them to know this.

I wanted to thank you guys for being there. For standing up for me. For accepting me for who I am. For not being like everyone else. For loving me like you own sister or brother... Or how ever you feel bout me. I wanna thank you for being open and honest and also for keeping me out of harming myself. Because without you guys I wouldn't be in this world today. I might just know you guys online but i feel liked we've known each other forever, and that we are always near each other though we are thousands or miles apart. I do miss you guys especially the times I don't get to talk to a lot. I just hope we are still friends...

and for a Special person I really like.. Thank chu for being there, thank you for not being werided out when I told chu I likes you, thank chu for you help and courage and love.. I know this sounds cheesy... It kinda is but I just wanted chu to know how I know who you are! <3

If I tagged you your very special to me in some way and I love chu! :


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