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We somehow entered a world. A magical world. It was like
A cloud. I am pretty sure it was a cloud
White. Puffy. Peaceful.
I like it.
Stella was ahead. She's would always be ahead. Of almost everything.
Walking,running,writing,test,grades. And grades especially. She very smart.
We all finally reached the top. Rachel swung her long black hair in my face. Her long black silky hair got stuck in my ugly short brown hair. Well it's not that short. It reaches my shoulders.
Stella's large brown eyes met my ugly green eyes. Stella's blond hair got stuck in her full rose pink lips. I made a motion to tell her but she did not understand. She turned back around. I look of what was ahead of us. A gold gate. Rachel asked if it was the opening to heaven. Then suddenly a female voice came out of nowhere. The voice was soft and smooth. I'm India. I will be your guide. Go on ahead and walk in. Said the voice. The gate opened. Stella and Rachel walked in. Rachel turned around swinging her hair stopping right as her brown eyes meet mine. Come on Delia. I can't. I started to back away. It's ok. India said this so nicely that I had to. I went through the gate. The gold gate closed behind me.

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