Ned & Catelyn Stark

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---Best read before Different Paths to Destiny chapter 2---


It had been a long, hard year. But finally, the war was over. Every Targaryen had been killed, or had fled to Essos to live their lives in exile. All that was left was to lift the Tyrell siege on Storm's End, and return home. When I arrived in King's Landing, the Red Keep had been taken by Robert's army. The Mad King was dead, along with his grandchildren.

"Check the north tower," someone shouted.

"I'll do it," I told them. I headed up the steps. The tower was eerily quiet, now that its inhabitants had fled. The top room must have belonged to one of the children, though their bodies had been found in the south tower.

I determined that there was no one left, and turned to leave. But, as I reached for the door, a weak cry startled me. I looked back across the room. An overturned crib lay in front of a window. I walked over, and pushed aside the thick fur blankets. A tiny baby looked up at me. She couldn't have been more than a few months old. The blankets must have just saved her from cracking her skull in the fall.

The door opened, and I turned, shielding the child from view. "Find anything?" One of Robert's men asked.

"Nothing here," I lied. He nodded and closed the door behind him as he left. I scooped up the baby and descended the stairs. I paused at the sound of footsteps, ducking into an empty room until they passed. If any soldiers caught sight of the Targaryen child, she would be put to death. I made my way quickly out of the Keep, and spotted one of my supply wagons. "I'll be returning to Winterfell, immediately," I told the driver.

"Immediately, milord?" He asked, confused.

"You heard me, boy. I have better things to do, than to sit about a ruined castle."

He nodded. "Of course, milord."

"Eddard, my friend," Robert called. I slid the baby into one of the crates, and tossed the blanket over her. "Off so soon?" He asked, patting my back.

"We have other battles to fight," I said, seriously.

He grinned wider, undeterred by my serious demeanor. "The bloody thing is almost over. Did you see that mess inside? My men did well. Not a single Targaryen left. Good riddance to the whole lot."

I shook my head. "Some of the murdered were children."

"Children with the blood of the Mad King," he reminded me. "It was a necessary evil. And I swear that I'll get the shits that fled Dragonstone as well."

"They've done nothing wrong, besides have a mad man for a father."

"Maybe that's true, but if I don't stomp them out now, they may come back one day like a plague."

"You would kill innocents to protect your throne?" I asked.

"It's the way of the world, Ned." He patted my shoulder. "I wouldn't expect you to understand."

I shrugged away from him. "I thought you were an honorable man."

"That's your virtue, not mine." He shook his head. "We've received word that Lyanna is being held in the Tower of Joy. I need you to ride there, immediately. Bring back my queen." He turned and left.

I turned back to the driver. "You heard the King, to Dorne."


Months passed before I returned to the North. When I finally reached Winterfell, I had two children in my care. I passed the Targaryen baby off as an orphan of the war. Then there was Jon, a boy with my own blood.

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