The Queensguard

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---Best read before Different Paths To Destiny chapter 30---

Aylward Caswell

When King Renly married Margaery Tyrell, I knew my path would cross with the new Lord Caswell one day. But, I hadn't expected it to be so soon. But there was Lorent, my pinch-faced, younger brother, standing across the room. Only a handful of lavishly dressed attendees and a table of the finest Southern dishes stood between us. Many things could be said about King Renly, but he did know how to throw a party. Through, it was unfortunately that reputation that must have brought Lorent to Storm's End.

It had been nearly five years since I'd seen a single member of my family. Five years since my father had given me an ultimatum. Marry a noble girl and keep my title, or marry Wylla Flowers and abdicate my claim to Bitterbridge. I chose Wylla.

Wylla and I were happy for two short years, but then she came down with Redspots. She had always had a fragile constitution, and her body was unable to fight off the sickness. She died within a week. I never returned to Bitterbridge. Instead, my old friend, Renly Baratheon hired me as his shield. Ultimately the job had turned into a position on his Kingsguard.

I glanced around the hall, hoping Loras or Ser Cuy was around, anyone to talk to keep me from being- "Aylward!" Lorent exclaimed, cutting off my thoughts. I took a deep breath, as my brother approached me. "I heard you declared for Renly, but I didn't believe it."

"I've been in Renly's service for three years," I informed him tersely. "If you had cared to check in, you would have known."

He looked down embarrassed. "You missed father's funeral." I nodded. "You know, he never wanted you to leave, you were his favorite son."

"I was his third favorite son, but the first two went and got themselves killed."

He laughed sharply, still just as bitter as I was. "If only Armond and Cleyton had just followed orders. We wouldn't be in this mess."

"Caswells aren't known for following orders." I looked him over. "Well, except for you, little brother." Lorent looked away. His large nose stuck out in profile. He'd always been the ugly one. I'd once heard my father claim Lorent could never be his son; he was too weak and too plain, nothing like the eldest three Caswell sons. But, my father would have rather had Lorent, than a son who was in love with a bastard.

"Aylward, I am sorry about Wylla," Lorent said quietly. "I thought about sending a raven, after she...I didn't think you'd want to hear from me. Since if you'd-"

"If I were Lord Caswell, she would have had the best healers? She wouldn't have been in a country house, on the edge of the Oakheart's land, alone when she fell ill? You were right not to send a raven."

Over his shoulder, I saw King Renly and Loras Tyrell come into the room. "I should really be going." I stepped around him.

Lorent grabbed my arm. "You will always be my brother. No matter what father says. If you need anything, in the future, you know where I'll be." I shook him off, and joined my King.

Renly looked back toward Lorent curiously. "Was that your brother?" I nodded.

"He's still an unsightly fellow, isn't he?" Loras muttered. I laughed quietly.

Renly patted me on the shoulder. "I hate to see you mope, lad. Take the afternoon off. There are some lovely ladies from Highgarden in with the Queen's party. Maybe one of them can take your mind of things." He wiggled his eyebrows, causing me to laugh a little louder.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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