Chapter 1- The First Day of School

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Beep beep beep

   "Argh!" I groaned hitting the top of the alarm clock. The bedroom door burst open. "First day of school, hon! You don't want to be late!" Said my Aunt Olivia. "Maybe I do," I said covering myself back up. "Get up now! I don't want you to be late," She walked out of the room and slammed the door shut. "Sheesh," I said.

   I took a shower, got dressed, and headed down stairs with my book bag on my back. "I made you oatmeal," Aunt Olivia said setting a bowl of it on the table. I ate all of it even though it tasted horrible. "I am leaving. Bye," I told her. "Bye honey. I love you." I walked out of the door. It was a little chilly here in Mayfield, Illinois. I had to walk to school. It was really embarrassing because it was in the middle of September on a Thursday. Since my mom died, I now have to live with my weird, vegetarian aunt, Olivia.

   I made my way to the school. When I got to the school grounds, everyone just started at me. But I just ignored it. "Alright everyone!" Said a man in a tux. "Come on in!" Everyone pushed through to get to the door. When I got to the door, the man spotted me. "Hello," he said. "You must be Amanda Green." I just nodded to him. "I am the principal, Mr. James. Nice to meet you," he said as he put out his hand so I could shake it. I did and his hand was ice cold. I wondered if he knew. "Well, I assumed that you needed someone to show you around so I got someone. Just follow me to my office and I will call him down." I was surprised with the word "him".

   We walked down to his office. It was small for such a big man like him. "Take a seat Amanda. I will call him down," he said as he walked out of the office. I figured that there were speakers in every room and that he was announcing his name to the whole school. Then I heard Mr. James voice boom through the speakers. "Anthony Jones, report to the office," he said. A couple minutes later, Mr.James came in with just about the cutest boy I had ever seen. He looked like a nice guy.

   "Yes sir?" He asked. "Okay Anthony, I would like you to show the new student here at Oakwood High school, Amanda Green, around," he instructed. Anthony looked down at me kind of in awe. I mean I looked okay.

   "O-okay sir," Anthony said

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   "O-okay sir," Anthony said. I stood up to follow him. We walked out of the office. We started In the hallway. "So," I said awkwardly. "We're do we go first?" "Well, where is your favorite place to go? Well, in a school." He said it in this awesome voice that made me tingle inside. I thought for a moment. I really loved to read. "The library," I proclaimed. "Then, to the library," he said in his awesome voice.

   We got to this super big room filled all the way up to the ceiling with books! It was definitely a library. "Wow," I said in awe. "Wow is right. This is my favorite place to go. I love to read," he said. "Me too," I told him. We stared a each other for what seemed like forever when we got interrupted by a girls voice. "Oh, hello there Anthony," said a girl. By what she looked like, she seemed like the popular girl. "Who is this," she said wearing a disgusted looked on her face. "This is Amanda, the new girl," Anthony explained. "Why are you hanging out with the new girl? I mean look at her!" I couldn't believe she said that. "I'm showing her around. But maybe I will hang out with her," Anthony shot back. That was so sweet. "Whatever. Bad decision," she said and then she walked away.

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