Chapter 3

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This whole chapter and half of the next chapter will be a flashback so I hope that's okay. This flashback is very important so I highly recommend you read it.

"No matter what happens to me my beautiful butterfly , always remember Daddy loves you."
The man told his young daughter , rubbing the young girl's head gently stroking her long hair. He seemed scared , and frightened to the young girl , but her innocent mind payed no attention to her father's irregular behavior.
" And Mommy too." The young girl asked toying with the butterfly necklace on her neck. It was a gift her father had given her to remind her that she was his " little butterfly". Looking up at her mom , she frowned at the tears covering her face , and squinted her eyes in confusion, why was she crying?
" And mommy too." The man confirmed , smiling sadly at his baby girl, turning his head to kiss his wife's fingers.
" What's wrong mommy?" The girl asks , continuing to play with her beautiful necklace.
" Give mommy and daddy a hug." Her mom spoke , speaking over daughter , attempting to change the subject.
" what's wrong with mommy ?"
The girl repeated this time to her dad , ignoring her mom's previous statement. Had she done something wrong? Was she about to get a spanking , because she hated those.
" Just come give us a hug."
She practically begged her daughter, holding out her arms , waiting for her to embrace her, as her husband did the same.
" where are you going daddy?" The little girl questioned her dad , frowning up at him as if he had already left.
" Daddy and Mommy are going away for a while." The man answered rubbing the sweat off his forehead. He was nervous , they would be here soon.
" but you said we could play dollies before you went to work." She whined , realizing this was in fact around the time her Parents went to work.
" How about we play a different game ." He suggested leaning close to the little girl , as if he was telling a secret.
" What kind of game."
The girl answered curiously , rocking back and fourth on her heels.
He looked up at the clock for what seemed to be the hundredth time in the last hour , before answering.
" Hide and seek."
He decided, wiping he sweaty palms on his pants. He looked to his wife , worriedly, blinking his eyes to keep from crying.
" Do you know the rules for hide and seek."
The woman asks her daughter , pulling the young girl into her sitting her on her leg.
" Never come out in less you or Daddy find me."
The girl answered , of course she knew how to play the game , she had played millions of times , besides she knew exactly were to hide , a place they would never find her.
" Good job baby."
The woman praised her child, playing with her daughter's braids, twirling them around her fingers.
" mommy has a gift for you." She told her baby , watching the girl's face light up with excitement.
"What is it."
The girl asked , turning her head to the side again , something she did when she was curious.
"It's a necklace baby , one to go with the one from your Daddy."
The girls eyes widened in excitement again , taking the necklace from her mother eagerly , causing her mother it to snatch it back quickly.
" You have to be careful sweetheart." The mother scolded,
" It's a very special necklace."
She told her daughter softly , whispering as if someone could hear them.
" It's the key to all your dreams, darling." She finished watching her daughter eye the key necklace in amazement.
"Wow." The young girl whispered , putting the necklace all the way to her eyes , so she could see it better.
" let me put it on you baby ,
I want to see how pretty you look in it."
Her father takes the necklace from the girl's hands , putting it on her safely , as if it really were magical.
" Here sweetheart,"
Her Mommy started , touching the necklace with her hands.
" You have to hide it , so no one but you could ever have its power."
She tucks the necklace under her daughter's shirt, making sure it was unable to be seen from the outside.
" You have to keep it safe, okay?" Her father asks, looking up at the clock once more, it was 7:56, he knew they would be here at 8 on the dot.
" I will Daddy." The girl Promised repositioning the necklace to her right side , closer to her heart.
" Thank you Mommy." She breathed finally giving her parents the hug they had been longing for.
"Go hide baby , we'll start counting."
Her father suggested
" We'll count to 1 hundred."
Her mother added , smiling sadly at her daughter as her father was also.
She started as her baby ran up the stairs eagerly going straight to her hiding place.
The couple hugged each other , as they heard their daughter head down the hallway.
" God forgive us , forgive them," they pleaded , tears streaming down each of their faces.
The young girl breathed quietly as she sat in her hiding spot , she was going to win this game. She covered her Dollie's mouth too ,just in case.
A car door could be hard shutting from outside, they were here.
"It's time baby."the man smiled bitterly at his wife , kissing her lips once more.
"I know." She replied as they closed their eyes preparing themselves, clutching each other's hands tightly.
The door opened A heavy set man walking in first with a glock in his hand , many other men in mask entering after him.
" Where is she."
He asked the couple , laughing at their tears , as they continued to pray quietly to themselves.
" Where is she." He repeated , expecting some sort of a reply , but instead they said nothing , continuing their talk with God.
Ok." He laughed looking back his men as they laughed with him.
" So be it ."
He declared as he signaled his 30 something men to search the house.
He took a handkerchief  out of his pocket wiping his forehead with it ,
" Just remember,"
He spoke to the two.
"You did this to yourselves."
He replied bringing the gun first to the woman ,
But then changing his mind , pointing it at the men.
He pulled the trigger without any hesitation, and didn't even blink as his brains splattered everywhere.
" Now now Seleste , "
He cooed at the crying woman as she shook uncontrollably , eyeing her dead husbands body.
He was dead , he was really dead.
" You don't wanna end up like your husband here do you?"he questions , wiping his face of blood this time.
" where is she."
He asks again , hoping she would just tell him so he could get what he really came for.
" I know she has it , so where is she."
He yells , becoming angry , he had been looking for this certain thing for a decade and he was so close to having it, so close.
She doesn't answer , but continues crying, starting up another prayer as her eyes closed.
"Tsk tsk tsk." He clicked putting the gun to her head , pulling the trigger.
" Should've just told me were she was." He finishes walking up the stairs of the three story house, to start his search for the young girl.

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