Chapter 1

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I sighed throwing the red and brown mushrooms back into the satchel. I looked over to Teep and nodded to him walking over to where he was stationed by a tree. "I think we have everything that Zoey sent us out here to get." He cocked his head to the side and pointed down on the ground. I turned around and noticed a rose there. "Zoey didn't ask for flowers Teep she asked for mushrooms." I said throwing the satchel over my shoulder. Once again the green dinosaur pointed at the flower. "Right, I was... yeah." I said flustered.

Today was going to be the day that I was going to tell Zoey how I felt about her. I was planning on bringing her out to the lake where she first fell. "Don't you think that is a bit cheesy dude?"

He threw his head back as if he was laughing. I could almost hear a gurgling like noise resembling a laugh. He walked over to the flower pointing to it.

I grumbled walking over to it. Reaching down I picked the rose from the ground, "there happy." He nodded and began to walk back towards Blackrock Stronghold. I tucked the delicate flower's stem into my back pocket, throwing my shirt and cape over the petals.

Teep waited for me smiling as I walked over to him. I rolled my eyes and we set off back to home. It was nice to be away for the day even if we could still see the top of our home. We passed by the dogs hut and I gave both Ghost Jr and Willow a pat on the head. Teep walked over to feed the Mooshrooms Daisy, Sally, and Nilsey Jr.

I punched the button to open our door calling for Zoey at the same time. I heard her yell saying that she was in the Magic Room for some reason. Zoey is not really a fan of being in the Magic Room when I am not generally there. She is either down in B.A.R.R.Y Labs or in the Kitchen.

Poking my head in the door I saw her fumbling with her new Philosophers Stone.

"Everything okay there?" I asked walking over to her.

"Yeah I just don't get why this ring isn't being made." She scrunched her face trying a new combination of materials. Sadly they failed and all flew out at her. She gave a small yelp and I couldn't help but smile. She whacked me on the shoulder a few times, "Don't laugh it is so easy for you!"

"What ring are you trying to make and what items do you already have?" I asked setting the bag down on a table nearby.

"The Zero Ring. I have the metal band, the four snow blocks and four snow balls." She said shrugging to me.

"Two." I crossed my arms.


"You need two snowballs and two dark matter. Every ring needs dark matter." I said giving her two pieces of dark matter from my inventory.

She took them and sighed, "See I'm not as good at this as you." She messed around with items before the Stone spit out a white and blue ring at her. "Yes!" She threw her arms up in the air giggling.

"See, you can do this. You were almost right even without my help." I pointed back the the tan bag with my thumb, "Teep and I got the mushrooms that you wanted."

"Thanks Ryth!" She walked over to the satchel sliding the ring on her middle finger. "Um, Ryth, why do they call it dark matter?"

I stared at her wide eyed, "Why do you wanna know that?"

"Just curious. Why don't they call it something else?"

I sighed, "Well back in the day people used to make dark matter using dark magic. They would gather up the shadows from the area condensing it into the physical, well, matter."

"Makes sense." She shrugged.

"Now my question to you," I could feel the eyes of a certain Dinosaur bore into my back. "Why do you need a Zero Ring?" The creak of the door behind me made me turn my head, there was no Teep.

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