Chapter 5

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Bam * I slammed my locker. This thing with Roc is killing me, does he like? But why me. I shock my head and sighed. As I picked up my bag I heard some noises coming from the streaming room. “ohh ahhh yeah… Keep going!” I furrowed my eyebrows and walked closer to the door. I slowly reached for the handle and opened it quietly. I peaked my eyes through the crack and I could not believe who I saw! It was Lura and Zack! My mouth dropped as I watched Zack suck on Lura’s neck. I was about to shut the door when “BOOM” One of my books slipped out of my hand and hit the ground. Lura and Zack’s eyes snapped to the door. I widened my eyes. “Babe, did you hear that?” Lura asked. “yeah, Who there?!?” Zack said. He started walking toward the door. I quickly picked up my book and jetted out into the hallway. As I turned the corner I bumped into Roc. “whoa, what’s the rush?” he chuckled. “oh nothing! See ya later!” I run around him and into my first class. Oh Gosh, I hope they didn’t see me. I think I got away fast eno- “DING DING DING” the bell for period rang interrupting my thoughts. Roc walked into the class room the second the bell rang. He walked and sat next to me. I looked over at him and he smiled at me. I faked smiled. I have to tell him, but then again it’s none of my business but then he’s my friend and he would want to know…. Wouldn’t he? What if he got mad that I told him and kicked me out of his house! Im just gonna keep my mouth shut for now. Maybe Lura’s planning to break up with him today. “Kayla, Kayla, kayla!” I shock my head. " what happened?" I asked with a confused tone. Roc laughed. “what were you thinking about?, you were just staring off in space.” he half smiled. " oh um nothing nothing at all." “okay, well let’s start the research on this project.” I spent the rest of first period thinking about the whole Lura situation. Ugh If Lura dose not tell him by the end of today then I’m telling him myself.
- Lunch – I paid the lunch lady and went to my seat. Thanks to Roc I was able to eat. He’s the best and that’s why I have to tell him. I looked up from my tray and saw Roc walking my way. Okay here’s my chance to tell him. I took a deep breath and put a serious look on my face. Just as Roc was about to take his seat Zack came out of no where and pushed him causing Roc to drop his tray. My eyes got wide. Roc pushed him back. “the**** man!” Roc growled. " Do something!" Zack yelled. Roc pulled his fist back and was about to deck Zack in the face when Mr. Harris came in. “Hay you to that’s enough!” he said as he walked over. I started to walk over to them when I was pulled by my hair. I tried to turn around but whoever it was had a tight grip. " walk or I’ll stab you" the person whispered in my ear. I felt something hit my back. I didn’t want to take any chances so I slowly started walking backwards. When I stopped walking I found myself in the girls bathroom. I looked around and didn’t see anybody but then Lura and 3 of her clones came out of the stalls also the person that was pulling my hair. " I know It was you…" Lura whispered. I played dumb. " what I did?" “oh *****please I saw you running! And I swear if you tell Roc about Zack and I I’ll make your life hell!” i thought to myself,to late it already is. “why don’t you just break up with Roc?!? Instead of cheating on him!” “Because Roc isn’t up for *** but Zack is and I still kinda like Roc, when I’m done with him I’ll break up with him” she shrugged her shoulders. " Such a *****!" I bumped passed one of the girls and walked out. Before I could make another move Lura ran out and stepped in front of me. “Tell me you won’t say anything!” she yelled. “fine, I won’t say anything..” “okay now you can continue on with your boring life.” she smiled and walked off. 
- Detention – I dragged myself into the detention room. I sat in the very back. “Okay no talking, phones. Or eating. You can only do class work.” the dentition lady explained. I took out my dairy of a wimpy kid book and started reading. Ugh 1 and a half hour in this hole. 
- 30 mins later – I closed my book and set my head down, just as I was about to go to sleep someone walked in and slammed the door causing me to jump up. I looked at the door it was Roc. He had on football tights and a wife beater. “sorry mrs. I had football practice.” he explained to the lady. “take a seat…” Roc looked out saw me and trotted over and sat next to me. I smiled and he did the same. I saw Roc pull out a piece of paper. He wrote something then passed it to me. It read: after this we can go by your house and get your stuff. I wrote back: okay but if my dad is home, we will have to do it another time… He wrote back: 
Ight. We passed notes throughout the entire detention almost. 
- detention over – Roc slowed down as we pulled up to my house. “is he in there?” Roc asked. " I can’t tell…" “okay well imma go in there with you.. Just in case.” “Okay come on..” Roc and I got out the car and walked into my house to find- CliffHanger!!!!!. Ugh whats in there? Tell me what you think tho!

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