Chapter 29

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"He should wake up soon." I hear a nurse say to me. I'm hoping, She's right.

"If there's any problems, please call." She said to me.

"I will." I nod, watching her leave.

It was silent for a few minutes when I lay my tired gaze on my boyfriend. He was asleep on his side. Someone, he moved himself in that position.

I can barely hear him breathing. I've been here over night, and I keep hearing his breathing stop, and that causes panic around.

He's unstable.

They've managed to close the wounds he had. Every one of them. The two Surgeries went completely fine... Now we're just waiting for him to wake up.

Steph and Matthew went home to sleep, and Phoebe and Brett were down in the Food Court, getting lunch. They asked if I wanted food. But I rejected it.

If Nate wakes up, while I'm eating. He's not allowed to have proper food. Right now, they're just trying to get his strength. For some reason, he's rejecting any medication.. I'm not sure why.. When he eventually wakes up, they're putting him on a liquid diet first.. Which he'll hate, but he's so weak, it's what they have to do.

I feel pain. I look at him, and I can't even imagine what he went through. Wounds that littered him, showed he had to fight. He's starved, I can tell.

By the looks of it, he did fight. He fought for his life.

As I sat there, I heard the small gasps for air.

Looking over again, I start to feel sick after seeing how small his body is. He's so thin. So pale.. So beaten..

"I can't even imagine what you went through." I say silently, knowing he can't hear me. "I'm sorry." I whisper, fighting the tears.

"I could've done something. I should've done something... But I didn't.. And now look at you.."


"But.. You're holding on. I know you are. You could've died when we found you. You could've died last night.. But you didn't... I know you.. You don't give up.. You held on. You clung onto that thread." I say. "You'll be okay."

There was more silence. I glance at him once more, seeing no movement from him.

Looking away, I open my book, hoping I can get some reading in.

But something caught my eye, causing me to look over. It was Nate. I watched his face slightly scrunch up, as he moved his arm.

I freeze, realizing what's going.

Staying still, I hear him hold his breath, then let it go. He rolled over rolled over, before laying back on his side. I held my breath, as he tried opening his eye. He blinked before closing his eyes again.

He finally looked at me, blinking, attempting to push himself up.

"Oh god.." I heard him exhale in pain with a small groan.

"Hey, hun, relax." I whisper to him, resting my hand on his shoulder.

He kept holding his breath. He needs to stop holding his breath. He's having a lot of trouble breathing, they needed to provide oxygen for him.

I watched him lay back down, letting the air he was holding in his lungs out.

"Morgan..." I hear him whisper.. His voice was weak and slightly raspy. He closed his eyes again, burying his face in the white pillow. "Everything hurts."

"I know." I tell him, just letting him lay down.

The Doctors said he needed to relax. They said if he stresses out more, it'll take him longer to recover.

He needs to stay relaxed.

"Why does everything hurt?" He asked weakly, trying to sit up again. "Oh. God.. That hurts.." He held his breath again.

"Nate, relax. Just lay down. And stop holding your breath. You're stressing yourself out." I tell him, gently pushing him down.

He's going to be difficult, I can accept that. I don't know what pain he's feeling right now.

He's probably in a great deal of pain, which he needs to cope with himself. They were going to put him on Morphine, but I wanted to wait for him to wake up. He couldn't feel pain in his coma. Now that he's awake, the pain is probably horrible.

"Just relax." I repeat. "You're in pain, I know. Just calm down, I'll get the nurse in a moment, I just.." I trail off seeing him look at me in utter confusion.

He actually had color to his eyes now. The last time I saw his eyes open, was in the building, and they were so dull, you couldn't even tell his eyes were originally brown.


"Shh. Just breathe." I say to him.

"But.. Why does everything hurt. It feels like I've been stabbed a million times." He said, looking down for a moment.

I gave up, letting him sit up. He's probably uncomfortable.. Whatever way is comfortable for him, I guess I'll allow him.

He'll be like this at home, where we won't have any pain killers. It's a good thing Phoebe is helping me with him. He's be a handful with this pain.

"Two or three hours of Surgery." I tell him calmly.

"For what?"

He doesn't remember, thank god. Knowing my boyfriend, he'll remember in the middle of the night, and wake up with a nightmare.

"You had uhm.. You had some injuries.. You were dying.. They needed to close multiple wounds.."

He was slightly for a moment. He looked down, then back to me. I suddenly heard him gasp, only to cough in pain.

"Nate, what's wrong?" I ask him.

"It's horrible. I remember it all." He complained. "The building. I was locked there. Something there tried to kill me. I saw Matthew.. He was there.. Then the food ran out... It was so cold.." He was silent for a moment.

Something he said, caught my attention.

He saw... Matthew?

"Wait you.." I trailed off, once I saw the pain in his eyes. "Never mind."

He shook his head again, closing his eyes. "I'm so hungry.." He said quietly.

"You can't have food. They won't let you. The Doctors are putting you on a liquid diet until your strength is restored."

He looked at me, then sighed. He was silent for a moment, looking at me then to the wall.

"Will you be okay for a minute, while I get the nurse?" I ask, standing up.

"Yeah.. I-I think."

Ruffling his messy, and patched hair, gently, I walk out of the room, making my way down the hall. He'll be okay..

I don't need to worry..

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