They call Her...

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She was beautiful, she was different, she was a happy and loving girl. She's different but not her different, she's lost her inner beauty, and she's not happy or loving or caring for anyone. She brought life to this world, to my life; she thought of everyone else first, putting herself last. She loved choir, band, and the musical. She had beautiful long black hair that brought out her blue eyes, and she had amazing tan olive-like skin that brought a warmth to her smile. Her teeth were perfectly aligned bright and sparkling white, her lips were perfect. She brought light into this world, into everyone... Into me, into my life. They called her love, they called her beauty, they called her... Melanie.
Melanie Valentine.

There was a cold breeze bursting through a nearby window as the rain started coming down hard. I decided that staying inside was probably my best bet to stay warm. All my friends also this year decided to leave me for other people; this summer wasn't what you would call "have-a-great-summer" quality. I would much like to forget about my summer and just push forward, but doesn't seem like my "friends" will let me. They refuse to associate themselves with me, I'm like bad ju-ju I guess.

A little boy comes up to me carrying a book and a coffee brown colored teddy bear that looks torn and beaten up. The teddy bear had gotten some really tough love, and has been passed down through quite a few kids in his family. He puts his teddy bear down and places the book in front of me on the table. This kid has no idea who I am and he just walks up to me with a book and wants me to read to him. Okay.
The little boy notions to the book and then places his eyes back on me and back to the book and back at me one last time. His eyes pleaded for someone to read to him, I know that feeling someone pleading for attention but you don't quite know how to ask.
"You may read to me now."
He pointed to the book in my hands and smiled at me. He was absolutely adorable, I couldn't help but to smile right back at him. It was a perfect way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.

She used to have a sparkle in her eye, used to make others happy, looked so welcoming. She was always happy, and loved bringing happiness to others. She was the opposite of pessimist. She was the opposite of a stick in the mud, Melanie always brought the party with her wherever she went. She was always there for her friends, Melanie looked like she had it all. She had amazing friends, a good attitude, always had the hottest styles. She was a trend setter. She had an amazing singing voice and was talented with all instruments you name it she could play it, she was also a very, very good actress; best in our school there's actual proof of it today in our schools trophy case.
Melanie Valentine was a 16 year old girl, with an entire future ahead of her.

"Will you leave me alone." (Okay.)
"No one cares about you." (Ha. Tell me something I don't know)
"Why are you even trying?" (I don't know anymore)
"Look at you; why would you even show up here?" (I didn't want to. I was forced here)
"Please tell me your joking." (Honestly I wish I was)
"You're not wanted here." (I know)
"Oh my gosh! Ew!" (Glad we can agree on the same thing)
"Go jump off a bridge, please." (At least this one was generous about it)

How do you feel right now?? Not too good, huh? Didn't think so. This is what I go through on a basis now. Yes I mean now, this is an entirely new thing to me. Last year I had tons of friends and then my group of best friends and then my small group of like sisters (which only consisted of two of them). They all left me for other newer, better looking best friends, I'm not cool enough anymore "She's too much of a screw up" quotes from one of my "closest friends": Sabrina. She was always a snooty type and you never ever wanted to get on her bad side. Not that I think she has a good side though, even if it is common.

Me and Sabrina grew up together, we planned on going to the same college together and living in the same house together. We had a whole thing planned out; till things started falling apart like the twin towers on 9/11. There one moment and gone the next, leaving millions devastated. Sabrina and I were close, not even a piece of paper could separate us (that's what I thought at least). One teeny tiny incident happens and we separate just like that.
**snaps fingers**
I would do anything to bring her back as a friend, we've been best friends since pre-k and I ain't loosing her yet. I will find a way to get her back.

"Hey! What makes you think you can just run away like that, get back here I'm not done with you!"
A booming voice hollered in my direction as I was running through the forest trying to find a place to hide.

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