Dare ~asomeness26~

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Tomoe: *pulls out a letter from truth or dare box* This dare is from asomeness26 and it reads...

Asomeness26: Well then I there is no limit. *sparkling eyes* I dare Nanami-san to kiss Tomoe-kun in the mouth and say I love you to him AND TOMOE-KUN MUST CONFESS HIS FEELINGS TOWARDS HER. XD

Nanami: Hey! Tomoe!

Tomoe: *feels Nanami jump on him to kiss my soft lips and looks shocked*

Nanami: I love you, Tomoe!

Nanami: I love you, Nanami... always have always will.

Admin: I love this shipping! OTP!

Tomoe: *coughs a bit to clear my throat*

Admin: Opps! Tee-hee! *covers my mouth*

Truth or Dare Tomoe the FamiliarWhere stories live. Discover now