RANT TIME: King George

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Note: I'm talking about the character King George, so maybe just kinda forget that he's played by Groffsauce for a moment? Thx! ;)

Okay so I realize that not everyone is the biggest fan of King George.

Let me rephrase that.

Everybody hates him.

Everybody except me, of course! :D

Honestly, I don't know why people don't like him. Sure, he may not be the most mental person in the show, but come on! Guys!

Deep down (okay maybe not that deep because it's a teensy bit obvious lol) King George is just a little cinnamon roll who wants some attention! And I feel like the only one giving it to him!

Also, the fact that everybody hates him isn't really helping.

Look how much of a little cinnamon roll he is in the video!

I know the video isn't exactly what happened in the play but it's all the same.

So, all in all, I don't get why people don't like him. LOOK AT HIM! He's such a happy little thing who wants some love!

I wanna hug him so much!!!!!! o(≧∇≦o)

Gaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!! Don't worry, Georgie, mommy's coming!!!!!

I'm a weird person.

This has been episode two of Rant Time with your host, Vintage. Goodbye, and goodnight, America.

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