Form, Rules, and Payment

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Welcome to TrailerUniverse's Trailer shop. I'm happy to inform you that right after this part is published you will be able to request a trailer! I have a lot of free time on my hands so don't feel guilty when requesting a trailer :)

I will be doing as many trailers as I can until another member takes over, which shouldn't be too long.

Now let's move onto the rules, payment, and form!


#1 Be patient: It usually takes 1-2 weeks to get a trailer done, if I'm feeling extra bored then you might get it sooner.

#2 Be sure to add this book to your reading list, so you can find out when your trailer's done or not.

#3 If you don't like anything then I'll change it but you only have 24 hours to decide what you want me to change.

#4 I have the right to deny or accept any request. If I just so happen to deny yours (unlikely) then I expect you to be okay with it. Sometimes If your not pushing and demanding to know why I denied your request, I might rethink my decision.


A dedication in book's description or author's note (whichever your more comfortable with.)

A permanent follow

Form- (* Means Required)




Specific scenes:

Book description*:

Subtitles you want in the trailer:


If you want to include anything else in the form then go right ahead!


I wanted to take a brief second before leaving to say thank you to everyone who has been showing this book support (which is no one at the moment, but anyway.) I really appreciate it and thought you all should know that :)

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